this song has such fond memories for me....tis one of those songs that feels like it reaches right inside & touches something between my heart & soul...laugh all you want...but the best songs touch that place which tis hard to describe it's location & you only know it's there when it gets touched....
the last week or so has been pretty good...i've finally started to get outta my slump it seems...i'm startin to meet people it seems & i'm talkin to more people from the area online...last week & this week i have worked slightly less than usual which means closer to 40 hours instead of 50...which is a mixed bag...i like the rest but i need the money...not like i've anywhere to put it yet for i still have no bank account...

today after work, i ventured out on my own to hit up a thrift store & pick up a lil something for the puppy...i was ever soo proud of myself cuz i didn't get lost, i took both the train & the bus, i bought myself 5 pairs of pants, 3 work shirts, & a skirt for $23!

show some love kids....cuz tisn't always that life is wonderful

Yup. I'll stop bye for a drink.
I 'spose so, I should be there around 10'ish.