so yeah...great fun indeed...loved the casting...the wachowski brothers have a new film technique for everyone to marvel at once again...i was afraid i'd be disappointed....only maybe cuz i didn't see it in imax

fyi...i wants one of these...

really though...where does one find their own christina ricci?...cuz tis all i wants for my birthday!

but realisitically i suppose...i want tattoos...i'll settle for one....but i wants lots...

the online official trailer debut is in 2 days for this...
i'm quite glad that this summer is shapin up nicely for movies...but why can't i find a girlie to go to the movies with me?

i gots new red hairs...but i's gots to wash it tomorrow so let's all hope they stays red...i've had quite a few compliments so far on my outfit at work today...i wore my great new red knee socks that coincidentally, young speed racer had the exact same pair or so it seemed

i've lots to do lately & soo little time it seems...i'd like to make more chicago friends but there's always schedulin conflicts...but i's gonna try...we shall see...
and for a giggle....cuz it's true you know....

If you feel like coming out to NEO some Sat. look for a tallboy, 6'5".