yeah...i hate the cold...and i can't find my earmuffs...or my gloves...or my scarf...i prolly tossed them or something when i was moving...i tossed alot of important stuff in my frustration of moving & am startin to regret it...i left my fave black coat with the hood @ my old apartment when i moved
as much as all of the above frustrates & annoys me...there are some wonderful things that offset it all & diminish the evilness of my real world...such as...
whom keeps me sane & then some
and then there's also
whom i was suposed to see earlier this week...but due to tiredness & all around frustration i opted to stay, i miss my panda
xmas is comin & i'm such a fuckin scrooge...maybe tis just this...
i've been scarce lately still as mentioned before with the sex comas, the work, & the laziness...but i shall try harder...but for real...i shall only do so if you guys try harder with the fuckin comments! i leave you with something that pleases me greatly...
i'm sure these guys were breakin before it was even called breakin...
bonus points for anyone who can tell me the name these guys performed under without cheatin
I hate the cold too - I totally live in the wrong province and country
Take care of you ok?
x x x