time...thought i'd somehow be friends with time..it never seems to happen though...i seem to be ever soo bitter with her lately...her & the evil monster posse....grrr...i get angry when i feel i've wasted precious time that coulda been spent more wisely...i've this problem with sleep too....hunting stalking mistress of my demise...for as long as i can remember she's eluded me when i've nothin of importance to occupy myself with...now that there are ever soo wonderful & worthwhile things to spend the 24 useable hours in every day on, she constantly sneaks up on me & makes me victim to an odd form of narcolepsy....grrrr....
at least it's a short week at work....and so is next week...and i get to go home for my favoritest day next week....i can't wait to eat so much i can't stand myself...rest...then do it all again...and tis odd too, now that i think about...years & years ago i posed a question about the stalking mistress muse to tori amos on a messageboard....and she replied with this lovely elaborate answer involoving a rant about thanksgiving...i've long since lost that, but twas fabulous nonetheless....
i'm excited for another free movie on monday...i love movies....and i love free stuffs...so tis kick-ass..we've invited the lovely _tesko since we had more than 2 this time...hopefully she can come along with...we're gonna see this....which i'm not too stoked about...but hey, tis free...and you never know...it should exceed my expectations since they aren't very high...and albert finney is good stuffs....
we're also gettin free tickets to this next month...
it could be good...you never know...plus it's got schillinger in it....
although this might be a better context for schillinger...
and yeah....i'm gonna admitt it...i'm gonna watch this...and not for the controversy...i've never read the book or anything like that either....it's saruman & gandalf...okie...wells maybe not the wizards-but tis christopher lee & sir ian mckellen...yeah!
so there's a lil something kids....until next time.....enjoy yourselves...and each other
YAY for thanksgiving