so i can't possibly have my jadednes be my representation on my here's some news...
@ work....stupid transformers is doin better than i thought & makes me look janitor is quittin like i knew she would when i had to tell her that she will be treated the same as everyone else & must clock in for the exact hours she works....anybody like to clean & want an insanely easy job in the middle of nowhere?
..i jest cuz it really is a riduculous situation & just in time for harry potter...granted i've enough people who want hours to cover until i find a replacement..but coverin it can't last long as it will hurt my payroll & then the budget gets out of whack & i'm back to worryin about alll that mess that i've finally got straightened out lately...
sincere thanks to all of you who said such nice things to me in my jadedeness...sometimes a compliment goes a long way indeed...bless you all!
i realize i've been slightly irrational as of mind just gets soo full from everything like work, stress, my headaches, my homesickness, & soo much other stuff & it seems to manifest itself in different ways...this most recent bein a crummy view of myself indeed...i don't know why & sometimes i don't know how to recover...but you guys were lovely to try & help...i feel slightly better...but only slightly...maybe tomorrow will be better...
and some loveliness....

sincere thanks to all of you who said such nice things to me in my jadedeness...sometimes a compliment goes a long way indeed...bless you all!

i realize i've been slightly irrational as of mind just gets soo full from everything like work, stress, my headaches, my homesickness, & soo much other stuff & it seems to manifest itself in different ways...this most recent bein a crummy view of myself indeed...i don't know why & sometimes i don't know how to recover...but you guys were lovely to try & help...i feel slightly better...but only slightly...maybe tomorrow will be better...
and some loveliness....
i hope you're being worshipped like the goddess you are!
so does that mean you're gonna go see Transformers? i wanna see it.
how was your bday?