ye be warned....the following be a ranting of my discontent, apathy, & disgruntledness in no particular order, random fire, rapid fire, & firing at will....a few fuck you's...
fuck you george bush! yeah, i said it! fuck your war, your oil, & your uneducated retarded ass that has the articulation ability of a 5th grader! fuck your friends you make richer with no regard for the country you make poorer!
fuck you evil corporations that many of us slave for! yeah, we get it...we're replaceable, you're the man, & holdin us down is your fave sadist activity!
fuck you teenage kids with cell phones, nonenglish speakin people tryin to buy mike & ikes, & all you rabid freaks who care more about wild hogs than the actual good stuff disney puts out, which face it these days, is few & far between!
fuck you judgement & all preconceived notions that hold me back!...i am aware i am passin judgement in nearly every fuck you here...and if you were bothered in that...maybe you might get one too...
fuck you circumstance, life, money, time, responsibilty, & your whole evil monster possee! let me have some peace ever so often & maybe i'lll try harder to pacify you!
so yep...i know...i'm evil, bitter, & angry today....but things have not gone as i planned & i'm soooo frustrated with many things in general...bless you if you read it....and even more so if you cared!
here's an old pic that i find ever soo amusing ...i think i've mentioned i'm camera shy except when it's candid playground stuffs or self-portraits...'s proof....
fuck you george bush! yeah, i said it! fuck your war, your oil, & your uneducated retarded ass that has the articulation ability of a 5th grader! fuck your friends you make richer with no regard for the country you make poorer!
fuck you evil corporations that many of us slave for! yeah, we get it...we're replaceable, you're the man, & holdin us down is your fave sadist activity!
fuck you teenage kids with cell phones, nonenglish speakin people tryin to buy mike & ikes, & all you rabid freaks who care more about wild hogs than the actual good stuff disney puts out, which face it these days, is few & far between!
fuck you judgement & all preconceived notions that hold me back!...i am aware i am passin judgement in nearly every fuck you here...and if you were bothered in that...maybe you might get one too...
fuck you circumstance, life, money, time, responsibilty, & your whole evil monster possee! let me have some peace ever so often & maybe i'lll try harder to pacify you!
so yep...i know...i'm evil, bitter, & angry today....but things have not gone as i planned & i'm soooo frustrated with many things in general...bless you if you read it....and even more so if you cared!
here's an old pic that i find ever soo amusing ...i think i've mentioned i'm camera shy except when it's candid playground stuffs or self-portraits...
But ,"fuck you statues of baby elephants!!!" Since, we're on *that* kick....
fuck you glasses for makin me look even dorkier & more like a chipmunk face