so i remember not bein an adult & bein excited when i got snail mail....stupid adulthood has ruined all that...i blog on myspace alot and slightly more frequently here as of late...i also am on this website called okcupid where i continue my nonproductive search for girlies where i also blog ever so often....usually recyle stuff between them all....i like different features of different ones...i like the myspace section for what i'm listening to, watching, or reading....i like the ease of pictures here....nothing much i really like too much about okcupid othre than that's where my boy toy makes residence on the net it seems...and some recycledess for you with a new lil ms.optimist has ran away it seems and i am still here with my monsters...i feel like i'm slightly sinkin in some dark black abyss....things had been quite so up for awhile, but, it's just the darkness at the moment...i feel so trapped and overwhelmed..and the doctor's office severely pissed me off this body, my choice, that's what i say...needless to say my pro-choice stand has to do with more than the obvious...if i don't want to do something, they shouldn't be able to bully me into things in order to make more money off of me...granted i am aware that i sometimes diminish the importance of some slightly important things...but my priorities are my business i think....and 2nd opinions are a good thing...i ramble in my anger....i must find my strength....she's bein taunted by my monsters to run away with them to the cool side and tag up against me...and i've lots to do in lil time as usual....evil bitch always threatens everything....until next time kids...

i think we may be hanging out this weekend! yay!
lol.. decisions decisions decisions..I'll probably end up making all the