Today I had a photoshoot with @r_girardi and what can I say??? We waited years but finally we got it and we did an amazing job with a great person and so much fun... We had this photoshoot at my friend's house and there were also a cute funny cat... He is a bengal and he is really beautiful and I really wanted to have a pic with him but it was more difficult I could think ahhahaha here some backstage pics

we tried everything... food and stuff but he wanted only cuddles and nothing else :D well now I can say I'm really happy and I can't wait to show u all my set ♡♡♡♡
bwahaha, i have 7 cats, my first set was with the one i've made a tattoo on the shoulder. he has 8 kilos more or less and has a grumpy amazing face. he is always beatiful in pictures, when i did the set he make the most awkward faces EVER haha. Cats... haha
This just made me happy :) I love hearing a story like that. Thank you!