i ate 9 30 mg morphine i's super high. lol so i been talking to this guy that i'm totally not interested in. he's reallly imature . i've told him several times that i'm not interested but he just won't accept it. what am i supposed to do... i've been really blunt about it. he told me he loves me... and thats just creepy... i told him i was creeped out by it and asked him to never say it again, but for some reason i doubt he is gonna respect my wishes.i'm itching like crazy........i think i got a stalker on my hands here. i really hope not.i hope he just goes away... i asked him how could he love me hes meet me twice..he knows nothing about me. he didn't seem to care. i'm a bit freaked out by this whole situation....what do i do? help!

two words: stun gun.
good idea!!!!!!