my new years was pretty eventful, i threw a party with my x boyfriend in a motel......i ended up eating 5 beans, doing about a gram and a half of coke and smoking a shitload of weed. then i had awesome sex with
my x boyfriend for about 4 hours. it was crazy fun i've been trying to recouperate since. i hope evryone enjoyed their new years eve/new years day as much as i did....
it still works and is glued together, so I'm not too worried.
Bring me along next time, yeah? ^_~
....why does everyone I talk to live in Florida? WOOT SUNSHINE STATE!
Only my waist is tiny. It's normally 24.5 in or so.. My hips are HUGE. 37 inches. Buying pants is a complete and utter shitty bitch.
Hee, I just live my (admittedly rather slutty life) without him and keep talking to him. He's very possessive, so it's much more fun. <3