hello my SG peeps, i've decided to do some investigating in my friends package problem, so i put in a call to his girlfriend. i'll update you guys if i find out exactly what happen, i kno he ended up with stiches.i slept all day.its probably because i'm sick and on antibiotics and morphine....so i don't have to much to say.i still need to go shopping for something to wear on new years.....i gotta go buy some hair dye too...i'm thinking about going pink and black..well thats all i got for now, if anyone has a sugestion on a color for my hair let me know..
p.s. i just took this pic
and heres 1 from a couple of weeks ago
p.s. i just took this pic

and heres 1 from a couple of weeks ago

Sorry to hear about the kidney stone.
I hope that you have a happy new year