Are we ready for a world similar to the one in Isaac Asimov's I, Robot?? The fact that this is already starting to happen is beyond creepy...
According to, the future of robots is sooner than we think...
Putting a face on human-robot coexistence:
Japanese company prepares to roll out 'Wakamaru'
TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- A 3-foot-tall humanoid robot that can recognize about 10,000 words and work as a house sitter will go on sale in Japan in September, its manufacturer said Monday.
The "Wakamaru" robot can recognize the faces of up to 10 people and talk to them. When linked to cell phones, it can also monitor situations at home, such as a burglary or someone falling ill, according to Mitsubishi-Heavy Industries Ltd.
It said it would be the first time a robot with communication ability for home use has been sold.
"This is the opening of an era in which human beings and robots can coexist," it said.
Mitsubishi-Heavy said it will start taking orders for "Wakamaru" from September 16, and plans to sell 100 of the 66-pound robots at about $14,300 for residents in central Tokyo.
The owner's schedule can be programmed in advance and Wakamaru can give a wake-up call and remind them of the day's events.
According to, the future of robots is sooner than we think...

Putting a face on human-robot coexistence:
Japanese company prepares to roll out 'Wakamaru'
TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- A 3-foot-tall humanoid robot that can recognize about 10,000 words and work as a house sitter will go on sale in Japan in September, its manufacturer said Monday.
The "Wakamaru" robot can recognize the faces of up to 10 people and talk to them. When linked to cell phones, it can also monitor situations at home, such as a burglary or someone falling ill, according to Mitsubishi-Heavy Industries Ltd.
It said it would be the first time a robot with communication ability for home use has been sold.
"This is the opening of an era in which human beings and robots can coexist," it said.
Mitsubishi-Heavy said it will start taking orders for "Wakamaru" from September 16, and plans to sell 100 of the 66-pound robots at about $14,300 for residents in central Tokyo.
The owner's schedule can be programmed in advance and Wakamaru can give a wake-up call and remind them of the day's events.

Yeah the relationship thing was a long time coming. I'd already been through some of the worst parts over the last few months. It was so much agony stretched out that it ended being kind of relief for both of us. Sometimes it seemed like half the time it was just a very long breakup in slow motion. So it's sad at times, but closing one door can lead to another.
Yeah I like freedom and independence too. I had enough being tied down already, or attempted to be tied down anyway.
So guys can't keep up with you huh?