1. I just came home from visiting my family in Orange County, and my roommate tells me that my kitty Zoe ran outside last night and still hasn't come back!!! I let him go outside to explore often, and he always comes back within the same day. He usually stays around the courtyard area and doesn't wander off too far... This is the first time that he's just disappeared, and I can't find him ANYWHERE. This is just fucking great. I was looking forward to seeing my baby again, and now he's missing. I'm so FUCKING UPSET. I adore that cat. I don't know what to fucking do.
2. My graduation ceremony was overly long and boring, and there were way too many speakers. One of the speakers was a former politician, and he went on about how he was going to make a short and memorable speech because he was tired of listening to long, boring ones... but guess what?? HIS SPEECH WAS FUCKING LONG AND BORING. How predictable -another LYING politician. Right up there with our bastard president.
3. Yesterday I went with my sister Ailene to the LA Museum of Art because neither of us have ever been there. I loved the modern art section, of course, and we saw Matisse, Picasso, a gorgeous Rothko, Rene Magritte's famous "This is not a pipe," Joan Miro, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Ellsworth Kelly, Ernst Kirchner, Jasper Johns, among plenty others. My favorite painting of all was Kandinsky's Untitled Improvisation III. He's always been one of my favorite painters. His views and theories on art, as well as his works themselves, are amazing feats of the human mind and creative spirit. I adore him.
4. I loved David Sedaris' book Me Talk Pretty One Day so much that I ran out to get another one of his books, Naked. I'm enjoying it so far - Sedaris is candid and hilarious.
5. I hate LA drivers - when my sister and I were on our way to the museum, this RUDE MOTHERFUCKER started honking his horn incessantly when I didn't go the instant the light turned green. Then he drove up next to me and started cussing me out, waving his arms all over the place like a deranged madman with only half a brain. He looked like he was gonna give himself a heart attack. GEEZ. What the fuck is up with people's road rage??? Get a life already!!!
6. I absolutely adore green tea ice cream and huge chocolate covered strawberries. Especially together!!! I ate like a princess at this Japanese/seafood buffet called O'Nami's with my family. It was TO-DIE-FOR.
7. I just saw the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith the other day. Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie = hottest sex EVER. They were so smoking, I could barely breathe.
8. I finally have pictures of some of my paintings on a CD, so I plan on figuring out how to post them soon. The bleeding heart painting came out beautifully, and I still plan on doing two more canvases along the same theme of "Art Makes Visible" sometime soon. I'm ready to start a new painting, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet...
9. I'm so poor, it's not even fucking funny. I found out today that my last day of work at the UCSD Pediatrics office in Hillcrest is tomorrow! Being a student worker, my "contract" with the school ends once I graduate, which I didn't know until now. It's a good thing that I've already started applying to other jobs, and I have a possible interview already. I really hope I get it because I really can't afford to be jobless right now. I'm already $800 in debt with my mom and sister. I can't even afford my cell phone bill at the moment, and my phone's been turned off temporarily now... Not having a steady source of income for a while would be *utter DISASTER*...
10. I'm a fucking mess. I fucking miss my cat. I'm seriously going to cry. My life is shit and now my kitty's fucking missing??? I once read somewhere that "Karma either kisses your ass or kicks it," and my ass is definitely hurting right now... FUCK.

2. My graduation ceremony was overly long and boring, and there were way too many speakers. One of the speakers was a former politician, and he went on about how he was going to make a short and memorable speech because he was tired of listening to long, boring ones... but guess what?? HIS SPEECH WAS FUCKING LONG AND BORING. How predictable -another LYING politician. Right up there with our bastard president.
3. Yesterday I went with my sister Ailene to the LA Museum of Art because neither of us have ever been there. I loved the modern art section, of course, and we saw Matisse, Picasso, a gorgeous Rothko, Rene Magritte's famous "This is not a pipe," Joan Miro, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Ellsworth Kelly, Ernst Kirchner, Jasper Johns, among plenty others. My favorite painting of all was Kandinsky's Untitled Improvisation III. He's always been one of my favorite painters. His views and theories on art, as well as his works themselves, are amazing feats of the human mind and creative spirit. I adore him.

4. I loved David Sedaris' book Me Talk Pretty One Day so much that I ran out to get another one of his books, Naked. I'm enjoying it so far - Sedaris is candid and hilarious.
5. I hate LA drivers - when my sister and I were on our way to the museum, this RUDE MOTHERFUCKER started honking his horn incessantly when I didn't go the instant the light turned green. Then he drove up next to me and started cussing me out, waving his arms all over the place like a deranged madman with only half a brain. He looked like he was gonna give himself a heart attack. GEEZ. What the fuck is up with people's road rage??? Get a life already!!!

6. I absolutely adore green tea ice cream and huge chocolate covered strawberries. Especially together!!! I ate like a princess at this Japanese/seafood buffet called O'Nami's with my family. It was TO-DIE-FOR.
7. I just saw the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith the other day. Brad Pitt + Angelina Jolie = hottest sex EVER. They were so smoking, I could barely breathe.

8. I finally have pictures of some of my paintings on a CD, so I plan on figuring out how to post them soon. The bleeding heart painting came out beautifully, and I still plan on doing two more canvases along the same theme of "Art Makes Visible" sometime soon. I'm ready to start a new painting, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet...
9. I'm so poor, it's not even fucking funny. I found out today that my last day of work at the UCSD Pediatrics office in Hillcrest is tomorrow! Being a student worker, my "contract" with the school ends once I graduate, which I didn't know until now. It's a good thing that I've already started applying to other jobs, and I have a possible interview already. I really hope I get it because I really can't afford to be jobless right now. I'm already $800 in debt with my mom and sister. I can't even afford my cell phone bill at the moment, and my phone's been turned off temporarily now... Not having a steady source of income for a while would be *utter DISASTER*...
10. I'm a fucking mess. I fucking miss my cat. I'm seriously going to cry. My life is shit and now my kitty's fucking missing??? I once read somewhere that "Karma either kisses your ass or kicks it," and my ass is definitely hurting right now... FUCK.

OMG! I hope he at least has his claws. Poor thing, alone in socal.