I love Bitter Films comics - they're weird, random, and just plain genius. Check 'em out.
My favorites:
1. i am a loud man with a very large hat
2. show biz
3. more show biz
4. eye spots
5. wisdom teeth
6. it's election time again
7. bobby neurotic buys lip balm
My favorites:
1. i am a loud man with a very large hat
2. show biz
3. more show biz
4. eye spots
5. wisdom teeth
6. it's election time again
7. bobby neurotic buys lip balm

nice. this guy (Don Hertzfeldt, the writer/animator) went to my school (UCSB) when i was there and everybody used to love/hate him because he would make these brilliant animated movies (including the original "Bitter" film "L'Amour", which was hilarious) in like these intro freshman film classes that were supposed to be just exercises and we were all just exploring and making shit. He was not only winning all the awards at our school with his stuff, he was winning like academy awards and entering them at Sundance and Cannes and shit...anyway, thought you might enjoy that, i really enjoyed the comics too (reminded me of Matt Groening/Life in Hell)
thank u!