Today feels like a list day. I love making lists for some reason:
1. I just bought 4 new books the other day, and I'm so excited to start reading them! I finished Party Monster not too long ago, and I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard while reading a book... Now to tackle these mind-bogglers: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Essays on Existentialism by Jean-Paul Sartre, and for kicks, The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience by Clifford Pickover. Yeah, I'm in a philosophical mood lately.
2. Funniest movie EVER: Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle!!! Total stoner movie. One of my favorite lines: "Did Doogie Howser just steal my car??" hahaha. That's comedy right there.
3. This quote pretty much sums me up: "When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad I'm better." - Mae West
4. In honor of Star Wars Episode III coming out today, I give you a REALLY BAD pickup line: If you think Chewbacca is hairy, wait till you see my Wookie. I'd kick a guy in the nuts if he ever said that to me, haha.
5. I love strolling along the beach on days I need to clear my head... enjoying the way the sun melts into the horizon... walking down to the cliffs and watching the waves crash tirelessly against the rocks... in and out along the shore... nature's very own thunderous requiem... reading such treasures as "Smoke weed every day" and "420 rocks!" imprinted into the sandstone along the rocks... seeing the OB bums in all their trashy, dirty glory trying to tan themselves along the sidewalks... listening to local deviants play a raucous jazzy jam session outside a liquor store...
6. Retarded Kit tidbit: I just discovered the other day that the first woman to land on the moon was astronaut Sally Ride.... who also happened to be my physics professor freshman year of college!
I had no fucking idea that she was the first fucking woman to go to the moon! I should have paid attention more... I got a D in her class. <<bows head in shame>> The only D in my whole college career.
7. HAHAHHAHA, so true:
8. Two very fitting Bush quotes: "Bush himself is the most incompetent and dangerous President in living memory."
Mark Latham; Australian MP in a parliamentary speech
"Bush is repellent, a hawk who was a coward, leader of the most corrupt administration since the Twenties. Hes not a legitimate President."
Ken Livingstone; Mayor of London, May 8, 2003
9. Pot art
(look at all the perty colors! teehee):
10. I've been listening to a hell of a lot of Postal Service lately. Perfect for my mood - mushy, melancholy, idealistically hopeful. Favorite lyrics of the moment from Brand New Colony:
I want to take you far
from the cynics in this town
and kiss you on the mouth
we'll cut our bodies free
from the tethers of this scene,
start a brand new colony -
where everything will change,
we'll give ourselves new names (identities erased)
The sun will heat the grounds
under our bare feet
in this brand new colony
Everything will change...
1. I just bought 4 new books the other day, and I'm so excited to start reading them! I finished Party Monster not too long ago, and I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard while reading a book... Now to tackle these mind-bogglers: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, On the Road by Jack Kerouac, Essays on Existentialism by Jean-Paul Sartre, and for kicks, The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience by Clifford Pickover. Yeah, I'm in a philosophical mood lately.
2. Funniest movie EVER: Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle!!! Total stoner movie. One of my favorite lines: "Did Doogie Howser just steal my car??" hahaha. That's comedy right there.
3. This quote pretty much sums me up: "When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad I'm better." - Mae West
4. In honor of Star Wars Episode III coming out today, I give you a REALLY BAD pickup line: If you think Chewbacca is hairy, wait till you see my Wookie. I'd kick a guy in the nuts if he ever said that to me, haha.
5. I love strolling along the beach on days I need to clear my head... enjoying the way the sun melts into the horizon... walking down to the cliffs and watching the waves crash tirelessly against the rocks... in and out along the shore... nature's very own thunderous requiem... reading such treasures as "Smoke weed every day" and "420 rocks!" imprinted into the sandstone along the rocks... seeing the OB bums in all their trashy, dirty glory trying to tan themselves along the sidewalks... listening to local deviants play a raucous jazzy jam session outside a liquor store...
6. Retarded Kit tidbit: I just discovered the other day that the first woman to land on the moon was astronaut Sally Ride.... who also happened to be my physics professor freshman year of college!

7. HAHAHHAHA, so true:

8. Two very fitting Bush quotes: "Bush himself is the most incompetent and dangerous President in living memory."
Mark Latham; Australian MP in a parliamentary speech
"Bush is repellent, a hawk who was a coward, leader of the most corrupt administration since the Twenties. Hes not a legitimate President."
Ken Livingstone; Mayor of London, May 8, 2003
9. Pot art

10. I've been listening to a hell of a lot of Postal Service lately. Perfect for my mood - mushy, melancholy, idealistically hopeful. Favorite lyrics of the moment from Brand New Colony:
I want to take you far
from the cynics in this town
and kiss you on the mouth
we'll cut our bodies free
from the tethers of this scene,
start a brand new colony -
where everything will change,
we'll give ourselves new names (identities erased)
The sun will heat the grounds
under our bare feet
in this brand new colony
Everything will change...

Me Talk Pretty One Day is like my favorite book EVER!!! You will laugh so hard.