So begins another week. To start it off right, I got high this morning on some really tasty greens and spent an hour contemplating the trials and tribulations of my little life. All while staring with acute detail at the progress of my new painting (the one I mentioned with the bleeding heart and with the future inscription of my favorite quote and personal motto). I'll let you all know when it's done...
...and then I drove like the sedated and dazed stoner that I am to work... and now I'm sitting good and stoned at my boring little cubicle. I want to spice up the dreary, plain gray walls, but since my cubicle's also shared with others, I'm afraid of my shit getting stolen.
After work, I'm planning on finishing my painting, writing some poems, and getting high with Rachel. Then maybe watching a movie. No more slacking off for me! I shall be productive - more writing, more painting, more creation!
Now back to mind-numbing filing and grunt work as fun as counting the little holes in the ceiling... all while dreaming of my favorite SGs {licking my body of course}, and fantasizing about the HOTT men I'll meet when I'm on vacation in July. *only 2 months away!* Counting down the days...
My family and I are going on a Canival cruise for 4 days around the Florida Keys - which means plenty of tanning in the sun, pigging out at yummy buffets, exploring the ship with my sister Ailene, and hopefully laughing drunk and looking sexy at a bunch of HOTTTT, SEXY men that I meet onboard. Oh, the naughty times I shall have! <<devilish grin>>
P.S. Another recent misshapen "tid bit" in the ongoing chaos that is called my life:
After seeing the SG link in my AIM profile, my younger sister, Shana, naturally thought that I belonged to a suicide cult and proceeded without telling me first to tell my mother that I belonged to a website that was planning a mass suicide.
Luckily I got it all straightened out, but my mom still doesn't approve of nAkED modeling. ::sigh:: I just can't win. I told her that SG isn't sleazy porn - there aren't any disgusting XXX ads - but rather the celebration of the female form in all it's beauty...
...and all on one lovely site that is maintained and admired by countless fans like me. It's a celebration of life! Only in a nudie way. Teehee
Well, needless to say, that explanation still didn't win my mom over. haha. What can I expect? Oh well.
So begins another week. To start it off right, I got high this morning on some really tasty greens and spent an hour contemplating the trials and tribulations of my little life. All while staring with acute detail at the progress of my new painting (the one I mentioned with the bleeding heart and with the future inscription of my favorite quote and personal motto). I'll let you all know when it's done...
...and then I drove like the sedated and dazed stoner that I am to work... and now I'm sitting good and stoned at my boring little cubicle. I want to spice up the dreary, plain gray walls, but since my cubicle's also shared with others, I'm afraid of my shit getting stolen.

After work, I'm planning on finishing my painting, writing some poems, and getting high with Rachel. Then maybe watching a movie. No more slacking off for me! I shall be productive - more writing, more painting, more creation!
Now back to mind-numbing filing and grunt work as fun as counting the little holes in the ceiling... all while dreaming of my favorite SGs {licking my body of course}, and fantasizing about the HOTT men I'll meet when I'm on vacation in July. *only 2 months away!* Counting down the days...
My family and I are going on a Canival cruise for 4 days around the Florida Keys - which means plenty of tanning in the sun, pigging out at yummy buffets, exploring the ship with my sister Ailene, and hopefully laughing drunk and looking sexy at a bunch of HOTTTT, SEXY men that I meet onboard. Oh, the naughty times I shall have! <<devilish grin>>

P.S. Another recent misshapen "tid bit" in the ongoing chaos that is called my life:
After seeing the SG link in my AIM profile, my younger sister, Shana, naturally thought that I belonged to a suicide cult and proceeded without telling me first to tell my mother that I belonged to a website that was planning a mass suicide.

Luckily I got it all straightened out, but my mom still doesn't approve of nAkED modeling. ::sigh:: I just can't win. I told her that SG isn't sleazy porn - there aren't any disgusting XXX ads - but rather the celebration of the female form in all it's beauty...
...and all on one lovely site that is maintained and admired by countless fans like me. It's a celebration of life! Only in a nudie way. Teehee
Well, needless to say, that explanation still didn't win my mom over. haha. What can I expect? Oh well.

Well... at least there's a possibility that you made them feel more unconfortable with the fact that instead you were looking at naked women everyday... (Well, 2 naked women at least everyday..) Hopefully you did that.