I stumbled upon the funniest book the other night at Urban Outfitters (luv that store!). It was a collection of rather absurd but hilarious "would you rather...?" dilemmas that seriously made me PISS my pants in laughter. Oh, how I love randomness!
1. Would you rather have every stoplight turn green upon your arrival for the rest of your life or have one week of the best sex any person ever had?
2. Would you rather have your range of sexual body movement equal to that of a He-Man doll or speak like Yoda when attracted to someone?
3. Would you rather have a permanent smile or a permanent erection?
4. Would you rather be unable to stop gyrating spastically when around your boss at work or have a penis/ pussy that smelled like sewer water?
5. Would you rather drink a cup of period juice or smash your penis with a hammer?
6. Would you rather catch your mom masturbating or have your mom catch you masturbating?
7. Would you rather watch a porno with your parents or watch a porno with your parents in it?
8. Would you rather slide down a 50 foot razor blade into a vat of alcohol or suck all the snot out of a dog's nose until its head caved in?
9. Would you rather sleep with Jabba the Hut from Star Wars or Fat Bastard from Austin Powers?
10. Would you rather have a penis for a nose or a vagina for lips?
If I had to choose an answer for the last question, I would pick both, since I love to lick my lips and I love to blow my nose. hehehe.
Funny shit.
1. Would you rather have every stoplight turn green upon your arrival for the rest of your life or have one week of the best sex any person ever had?
2. Would you rather have your range of sexual body movement equal to that of a He-Man doll or speak like Yoda when attracted to someone?
3. Would you rather have a permanent smile or a permanent erection?
4. Would you rather be unable to stop gyrating spastically when around your boss at work or have a penis/ pussy that smelled like sewer water?
5. Would you rather drink a cup of period juice or smash your penis with a hammer?
6. Would you rather catch your mom masturbating or have your mom catch you masturbating?
7. Would you rather watch a porno with your parents or watch a porno with your parents in it?
8. Would you rather slide down a 50 foot razor blade into a vat of alcohol or suck all the snot out of a dog's nose until its head caved in?
9. Would you rather sleep with Jabba the Hut from Star Wars or Fat Bastard from Austin Powers?
10. Would you rather have a penis for a nose or a vagina for lips?
If I had to choose an answer for the last question, I would pick both, since I love to lick my lips and I love to blow my nose. hehehe.