First thing you should know about me is that I'm an ART AND POETRY FANATIC. It's my therapy, my soapbox, my creative outlet, my blood, sweat, and tears, my love, my life. My poems are especially upclose and personal... and you better believe they're damn intimate. When you read my words or see one of my paintings, you are transported into the world that is lil ole me. Isn't that a scary thought?
My latest poem:
swollen sunset 4-15-05
your cruel evasion of the truth
is all i need to fuel that searing flame
that scorches what’s left of the tenderness
in my eyes, now charred brown remainders
of all that hasn’t been said,
left to ruminate beneath lowered lashes
and a smoldering glare
you once told me that i was your friend –
that i actually meant something to you –
how foolishly i believed your lies
and how easily i gave in to your lips, wicked red
like a sunset swollen with selfish desire,
enflaming the stillness of my soul with a reckless hunger
for a passion more turbulent
and volatile
than Kandinsky’s eruptions of color, little explosions
splitting apart
my solitude
your pathetic cowardice says it all –
i once assumed that all artists knew something
of the meaning of beauty
and of perfection,
but now i see that you’re neither beautiful
nor perfect –
and that i’ve been far too forgiving
My latest poem:
swollen sunset 4-15-05
your cruel evasion of the truth
is all i need to fuel that searing flame
that scorches what’s left of the tenderness
in my eyes, now charred brown remainders
of all that hasn’t been said,
left to ruminate beneath lowered lashes
and a smoldering glare
you once told me that i was your friend –
that i actually meant something to you –
how foolishly i believed your lies
and how easily i gave in to your lips, wicked red
like a sunset swollen with selfish desire,
enflaming the stillness of my soul with a reckless hunger
for a passion more turbulent
and volatile
than Kandinsky’s eruptions of color, little explosions
splitting apart
my solitude
your pathetic cowardice says it all –
i once assumed that all artists knew something
of the meaning of beauty
and of perfection,
but now i see that you’re neither beautiful
nor perfect –
and that i’ve been far too forgiving