Holy mother of fuck
I'm soooo scr*@wed up right now.
big clouds of smoke
my mind up in puffs
my SeNsEs incredibly alive
{I'm as high as your imagination right now... WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!}
I'm in an another dimension that's calm and centered....
so light {as in - i'm in the clouds~)
and yet
so heavy (as in i can't f*cking think)
at the same time...
there's a new episode of the Family Guy
playing in the other room,
and i can hear Stewie laughing like a maniac
i drank the most delightful wine tonight -_-_-
a German brand, a name
I can't pronounce...
or something
the wine has such a sweet, cheery flavor
a client gave it to me as a gift --
the nicest thing a client has done for me,
or any man for that
{edited to add: I enjoy being high... I'm so relaxed
and peaceful
and just chill
and now for something
and utterly
I just heard someone on the Famliy Guy say:
"Big Things do come (cum?) in small packages!!"
mY favorite eggs are Eggs Benedict
P.S. Ever since I received *~glowing~* reviews online, my phone has been ringing off the hook. I've turned it off. It lights up orange every couple of minutes. Booooooooo
PPS. Just heard -
STEWIE: "I soooooooo love ultimate frisbee!"
I'm soooo scr*@wed up right now.
big clouds of smoke
my mind up in puffs
my SeNsEs incredibly alive
{I'm as high as your imagination right now... WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!}
I'm in an another dimension that's calm and centered....
so light {as in - i'm in the clouds~)
and yet
so heavy (as in i can't f*cking think)
at the same time...
there's a new episode of the Family Guy
playing in the other room,
and i can hear Stewie laughing like a maniac
i drank the most delightful wine tonight -_-_-
a German brand, a name
I can't pronounce...
or something
the wine has such a sweet, cheery flavor
a client gave it to me as a gift --
the nicest thing a client has done for me,
or any man for that
{edited to add: I enjoy being high... I'm so relaxed
and peaceful
and just chill
and now for something
and utterly
I just heard someone on the Famliy Guy say:
"Big Things do come (cum?) in small packages!!"
mY favorite eggs are Eggs Benedict

P.S. Ever since I received *~glowing~* reviews online, my phone has been ringing off the hook. I've turned it off. It lights up orange every couple of minutes. Booooooooo
PPS. Just heard -
STEWIE: "I soooooooo love ultimate frisbee!"

on so mnay level.