By Lotte Rotten, from Cecilia's art album
Isn't that a gorgeous drawing?? I absolutely love it - her tormented, wounded expression and demeanor... the dripping decay and mindless self-destruction... scars, slashes, holes ripped through flesh... seems like my kind of girl.
I was bored today and took a 500-question PURITY test with such deep and probing questions as:
> Have you ever tasted your own orgasmic liquids?
> Have you ever been bruised during sex, oral sex, or mutual masturbation?
> Have you ever been involved in a golden shower?
> Have you ever been completely tied down (spreadeagled, hogtied, etc.)?
> Have you ever been involved in a gang bang?
My purity test score: I'm 51.8% pure!! I'm a freak. But we already knew that...
I read a psychology article today about why men and women respond differently to stressful events. Unlike men, women have the unfortunate capacity to become depressed at lower levels of stress. Women "pour out higher levels of stress hormones and fail to shut off production readily. The female sex hormone progesterone blocks the normal ability of the stress hormone system to turn itself off."
Women are "set up biologically to internally amplify their negative life experiences," and are psychologically prone to it as well. Women tend to ruminate more over upsetting situations, and thus succumb more easily to depression. Men, on the other hand, tend to drown out their sorrows with alcoholism, drug abuse, and antisocial behaviors.
I also read another article about the differences between the male and female brain, and learned these interesting facts:
♥ The male brain is highly specialized, using specific parts of one hemisphere or the other to accomplish specific tasks. The female brain is more diffused and utilizes significant portions of both hemispheres for a variety of tasks.
♥ Men are able to focus on narrow issues and block out unrelated information and distractions. Women naturally see everyday things from a broader, big-picture vantage point.
♥ Men can narrowly focus their brains on specific tasks or activities for long periods of time without tiring. Women are better equipped to divide their attention among multiple activities or tasks.
♥ Men are able to separate information, stimulus, emotions, relationships, etc. into separate compartments in their brains, while women tend to link everything together.
Men see individual issues with parts of their brain, while women look at the holistic or multiple issues with their whole brain (both hemispheres).
♥ Men have as much as 20 times more testosterone in their systems than do women. This makes men typically more aggressive, dominant and more narrowly focused on the physical aspects of sex.
♥ In men, the dominant perceptual sense is vision, which is typically not the case with women. All of a womans senses are, in some respects, more finely tuned than those of a man.
♥ Men are more turned on by visual stimuli. They use pornographic materials of every kind more frequently than women do. When they fantasize, they conjure up more images of coitus and body parts, the explicit details of sex itself.
♥ When women fantasize about sex, they conjure up the textures, sounds, and smells, all of the ambience surrounding sex, more regularly than men. Women also like more kissing, hugging, stroking, and cuddling during sex. In short, women place the act of intercourse within a wider physical context.
♥ Men tend to view sexlike many other thingsin a linear way. To them, a sexual encounter is like descending a staircase that leads step by step to only one endpoint: ejaculation. Womans sexuality, like our ways of taking in and thinking about the world, is more holistic.
I'm thinking you might be moon in scorpio instead of libra. That's if you were born a few hours later.
Another interesting thing. All your planets are on one side. I'm too tired right to make any more comments.
So do you get free ice cream and cold medicine at rite aid? I used to always go in there when I lived about two blocks down the street.
Take 'er easy...
[Edited on Oct 25, 2005 11:59PM]
that picture is pretty sweet, and i think i've read similar articles.
anyways, take care lil lady