Happy 4th of July !
Today is the day where we shoot off a huge celebration to show our independence and how far we have come as a country .
I may not agree with who is in charge or some things that have happened while I have lived but I must say I love living here .
I hope everyone has a great 4th
Solute the soldiers who serve
and have an amazing day !
Today is the day where we shoot off a huge celebration to show our independence and how far we have come as a country .
I may not agree with who is in charge or some things that have happened while I have lived but I must say I love living here .
I hope everyone has a great 4th
Solute the soldiers who serve
and have an amazing day !
Hope your 4th was fun, and I agree the people in charge might not always be agreeable but it is a great place to be living in.