Hi, everyone sorry I've been soooo busy I won the calendar contest so thank you ALL that voted for me!!!!! I actually just shot for the shoot a few weeks ago and plus my little man just started school so run run is all I do sometimes. Still working on the color for my back piece almost done about another 8 hrs and I should be good to go
which I'm getting some more ink next week. Also I started my new job at a local bar in town serving this should be very interesting........ One a happy happy note I just returned from my trip to New Jersey, ok what is with NO LEFT TURNS something a Virginian will have to get use too lol and I got to see the city life very very cool and will be returning very soon. My main purpose of my trip was having some amazing pictures taken by Gary Meyer, Metro-Glamour Studio he has a true gift and had sooooo much fun during the shooting
thank you sooo much Gary! So hopefully soon I will have my very first set appear yay!!!!! Hugs & Kisses it's been way too long..........xoxoxox Love, CandraLee 

Thanx everyone, just submitted my first set so hopefully you all will enjoy it as much as I did shooting for it
hugs &kisses xoxoxox Love, CandraLee

Can't wait