Hi Hello Everyone I'm back!!! Wow, I was drunk way too many lemon drops last night lol. I'm wondering how long does it usually take before someone hears back about there set on here I submitted mine on the 20th so hopefully it doesn't get rejected
On a bright note I found a photographer so here soon I should have better quality pictures yay go me! I start a new class for college on friday for Psychology and it's getting harder, but somehow I manage to make good grades. Thinking about taking my boys swimming this week so hopefully good weather so I can tan for free hehe. My little sissy is flying in from Chicago the first week in July I'm so excited for girl time with her and then the next week my mom and her husband are coming so I'm going to have a full house. Now the ghost in my house issue has not been resolved yet I'm sending my pictures to my mom's friend so he can look at them through a special device so don't worry anything really exciting or interesting I will be sure to inform all
. Until next time hugs & kisses xoxox LOVE, CaNdRaLeEsUiCiDe

welcome back sweetie! 

@Ronniekitty thanks sweetie I got mine crossed too believe me too bad you don't live closer to have a girls night out "who's bringing the Grey Goose and the Lemons" lol love ya
@entese thanks yea trying to recuperate from all my lemon drops I didn't come back to life until about 3pm this afternoon lol and had one bad headache haha, but with two advil's and a bong rip later I'm all better