A perfect world. Wouldn’t that be nice? I didn’t think this week’s topic was going to be hard but it really got me thinking.
Firstly, it´s hard to choose only three laws given that our system is so messed up. On the other hand, many areas need to be looked after in order to live in a perfect world. Poverty and crime, as well as
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1. Everybody lies somehow
2. I don't need to drink as much as I can, no one does.
3. Love is taugh, don't expect it to be easy.
4. Cutting my own hair is actually pretty easy.
5. I can learn Swahili Online (of course, duh)
6. Yes, your metabolism changes.
7. Washing your face everyday is actually a pretty good idea
8. Enough is
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Yeah, yeah I'll might sound #romantic however I just can't think of a better day ...so here it is.
7am we get picked up from the hotel and head into the Jungle.
9am we take ATVs and head to the water caves (+ I crash into a tree and hurt myself and my partner :p)
10am OK zip lines and stuff
11am swimming and exploring
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- More than 20 million people live in Mexico City
- You ( as a woman ) can't walk down the streets wearing shorts or a dress without being subjected to some kind of harassment.
Mexico City’s Metro is the largest in Latin America and the cheapest in the world
We have the best food
No one goes to Taco Bell.
- Mexico City is the second city...
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- Mexico City is the second city...
Easy. There are moments in life where you are just too small in comparison with everything surrounding you. I'm not talking about buildings, those are small. Tiny in comparison with the magestic sea and the infinite possibilities within it.
I've always loved to swim, to feel like a mermaid that somehow ended up with a human family. I've always loved the sea as well and...
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Everyone wants to be remembered. By who? the answer will vary, it could easily be a family member or a spouse...however that's not my case. Clearly I don't want my loved ones to forget about me, however my mission goes beyond many people's expectations.
I want to be remembered not for me but for what I was a part of. I truly believe that humans...
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