I appreciate breasts and ass but I just wish every girl on here and in the world had a picture of there smile, not for me but just because. I'm addicted to smiles and I don't think I'll ever be able to change that fact. I want to talk to every women with a beautiful smile but I can't help but feel like they don't want to be approached at times and to me it's worse to make a girl uncomfortable. Life is full of choices and maybe I'll always be alone but I know there will always be a billion+ beautiful smiles out there to light the way. I won't change who I am to be rude or sleasy because I see those types of men win consistently. I will be myself until the day I die whether that be alone or alongside a beautiful smile.
To those few who read my posts let me just say I never expected anyone to, and I appreciate it. I only wish we were better friends and will always be ready to take that step towards it. Most if not every guy has a dirty part of there mind, it's those of us who try our hardest to silence that consistently until we might need it that hope for and appreciate your trust and friendship.