Skinny Puppy was by far the best show I have ever seen in my life! God, and I thought they sounded great on the albums. Hadn't been to Arizona in sixteen fucking years. Well worth the drive out to Tempe.
Hung around there for a while. Ate at Hooters. The restuarant where the girls wear tan leggings to offset their pail white arms
Food wasn't very good. Got to see a classic car club run down Mill Avenue.
Got to see my ex-girlfriend. I forgot how good it was to sit down and really talk to her.
Looks like my girlfriend and I will be breaking up. She has a lot of emotions she needs to deal with and in trying to help I've been taken into an emotional rollarcoaster myself. I'm stepping off the ride for a while. She's told me when things have settled down she'll come back to me. I really hope so.
I'd say more but I haven't slep in over 24 hours.
Looks like I'll be joining the Rocky Horror Picture Show as a techie. Lighting and sound. Good times
Hung around there for a while. Ate at Hooters. The restuarant where the girls wear tan leggings to offset their pail white arms

Got to see my ex-girlfriend. I forgot how good it was to sit down and really talk to her.
Looks like my girlfriend and I will be breaking up. She has a lot of emotions she needs to deal with and in trying to help I've been taken into an emotional rollarcoaster myself. I'm stepping off the ride for a while. She's told me when things have settled down she'll come back to me. I really hope so.

I'd say more but I haven't slep in over 24 hours.
Looks like I'll be joining the Rocky Horror Picture Show as a techie. Lighting and sound. Good times

I love the Rocky Horror Picture show, I took my husband, my friend and her boyfriend, and I got all "dressed" they wore regular clothes, and wehn I jumped up to do the timewarp they all slid down in their seats and acted like they didn't know me, I was like "you fuckers, I thought you were right behind me!"