I don't have anything particular thing to update about, but then again, I haven't done anything lately, either. So, blah. Why don't you folks entertain me? So bored. So very bored. All I do is work and sleep and get drunk and sleepy and then sleep. Real exciting. Need a job that sends me to work slightly later than 4am. Anybody want to pay me to sit on my ass and watch Full House? I like taking pictures, but maybe not 400 identical pictures a day with 2 seconds to pose each kid. That kind of sucks. Wow, I am drunk. I am going to stop typing, 'cause I can't tell what I'm typing anyway. How is everyone?
hello hotness
Whats goin down? just saying hello.

Me drunk at a keyboard is a very ugly thing. The spelling is usually ok (since it takes me a fucking hour per entry).....