Haha! House to myself! Haven't had a chance to sit at the computer for more than five minutes at a time in the last few days, because Sean's band has some remix due in the next couple of days, plus he's obsessed with Alien Vs. Predator and will NOT pry himself from related message boards for more than half an hour at a time.
So I am not ignoring anybody! If you continue not to hear from me in the next five hours, though... I am ignoring you. So there!
So yeah. I sent in a SG application on a whim, just because I finally got my camera working again. And I got accepted. Who knows if I'll do anything about it, though. But la dee da. At least I'm not ugly ??? or something. Great. But we all knew that, didn't we. All... two of you who might stop by, and that don't even know me! But my mom says so, and I believe her.
But hey, I've always liked talking to myself. Do it constantly at my website. Well. Not so constantly, really. Not when I can't touch my precious computer, and I don't do anything interesting enough to write about. I could just repeatedly write either one of these two entries, and have 'em post automatically. Then I could die, and no one would ever know the difference.
1) So... I don't have a job yet. Somebody give me a damn job. Either that or send money.
2) Hi, I'm drunk because I'm depressed about having no job yet. Insert random drunken garbling here. I'm sure I could write some JavaScript to do it. Take a random essay generator, tune it to rant mode, automatically insert spelling mistakes...
Give me a job.
Or send money.
Man, my credit is fux0red beyond belief. FUX0RED, I say!
So I am not ignoring anybody! If you continue not to hear from me in the next five hours, though... I am ignoring you. So there!
So yeah. I sent in a SG application on a whim, just because I finally got my camera working again. And I got accepted. Who knows if I'll do anything about it, though. But la dee da. At least I'm not ugly ??? or something. Great. But we all knew that, didn't we. All... two of you who might stop by, and that don't even know me! But my mom says so, and I believe her.
But hey, I've always liked talking to myself. Do it constantly at my website. Well. Not so constantly, really. Not when I can't touch my precious computer, and I don't do anything interesting enough to write about. I could just repeatedly write either one of these two entries, and have 'em post automatically. Then I could die, and no one would ever know the difference.
1) So... I don't have a job yet. Somebody give me a damn job. Either that or send money.
2) Hi, I'm drunk because I'm depressed about having no job yet. Insert random drunken garbling here. I'm sure I could write some JavaScript to do it. Take a random essay generator, tune it to rant mode, automatically insert spelling mistakes...
Give me a job.
Or send money.
Man, my credit is fux0red beyond belief. FUX0RED, I say!

i just bought season one of the x-files on dvd using a credit card. i probably shouldnt have, but its such a rad show. and yeah bremen is boring. ill be spending more time in south bend though in a few weeks because my art class starts the 30th at iusb.