Thank god for that power out, i got to sleep in till 12:30.
Sure the owners at my work lost some money, but they're rich, fuck them. For the first time in months i woke up untired.
Sure the owners at my work lost some money, but they're rich, fuck them. For the first time in months i woke up untired.
compassion (Bukowski)
she comes in and tells me that she just saw a dog
run over, only the wheels didn't crush him, the car
passed over him and he ran off dazed and limping,
no dog collar, very thin, starved.
she says we ought to go find him and i say she ought
to call the dog pound
and she says that they will only...
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she comes in and tells me that she just saw a dog
run over, only the wheels didn't crush him, the car
passed over him and he ran off dazed and limping,
no dog collar, very thin, starved.
she says we ought to go find him and i say she ought
to call the dog pound
and she says that they will only...
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this is a fact (bukowski)
in the company of fools
we relax upon
ordinary embankments,
enjoy bad food, cheap
drink, mingle with the men and
ladies from
in the company of fools
we throw days away like
paper napkins.
in this company our music is loud and our
we have nothing to lose
but our selves.
join us.
we are now
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in the company of fools
we relax upon
ordinary embankments,
enjoy bad food, cheap
drink, mingle with the men and
ladies from
in the company of fools
we throw days away like
paper napkins.
in this company our music is loud and our
we have nothing to lose
but our selves.
join us.
we are now
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I hope he sells his paintings, I hope his books sell, I hope he gets to fuck the teenyboppers, I hope he gets a big place with German police dogs and an electric fence, I hope the angels arrive for him, for him and all the others; but it isn't going to happen: it's a hard marketplace and most of them talk away what they...
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