Thanks @missy and @rambo for this prompt! I don't really mind talking about myself.
1. I love wild cats- you can catch me watching videos of tiger cubs, loins and panthers on the daily. I follow animal recuse organizations closely and kinda regret not chosing that as my career path. Sometimes I even get emotional seeing the cute big cats...
2. I'm an artist- I'm currently attending an art college for illustration. Orignally I went for fine arts because I spent my 4 years of high school being a ceramics geek, but I changed my major because I wanted a job in art that wasn't teaching. However ceramics will always be my first love and I won'y give it up as a hobby.
3. I fucking LOVE comics- I can't say they've been apart of my life forever, my interest started not that long ago, but I became friends with someone a few years ago who's parents own a comic book store in my hometown and they introduced me to the comic world. Personally the DC universe intrigues me the most, but Daredevil from Marvel is sick, and obviously Black Canary is my favorite super person. :^)
4. I cosplay- it's no secret that I'm an extreme weeb, I love anime as well as many video games. I started cosplaying characters from these things last year and have continued to do so, I'm working on a cosplay right now!
5. I have a mood disorder- I didn't think I'd share this, but I was diagnosed with bi polar disorder last year after having symtoms of it since I was 15. It makes a lot of things harder but now that I have the proper help and medication I've been good at managing it!
6. Smoke weed everyday- maybe not EVERYDAY anymore... But I've been a stoner since I was 15 (not the best I know). You could say that in high school my friends and I's clique was considered the stoner girls/drugies. When I was younger we did a lot more drugs than marijuana... And thise friends still do but I made the conscious decision to stick to weed last year because of my mood disorder, my body and mind are to fragile to handle them now.
7. I'm in a long distance relationship- my boyfriend, Steve, lives in MA whereas I live in Ohio. We met on tumblr almost two years ago and finally met in May last year. Steven and I started dating after we met the first time; I had made plans with his roommate to drive the 12 hours to him without his knowing and surprised him. We were just friends then but both realized our feelings about a mouth after and made it offical the next time we saw eachother in June so we'll have been dating a year this June!
8. I'm a bit of a loner- people always say I'm so outgoing and bubbly, but only after you approach me. I'm pretty bad at making friends and tend to keep to myself unless it's necessary to interact; however I love talking to people and consider myself a really open and kind person! I just am comfortable with being alone.
9. Astrology is a love of mine- I'm a big follower of the zodaic, and horoscopes are BULLSHIT. I think that the idea of the planets and stars having an effect on us, our lives, and our personalities is not far fetched at all and if you know your shit you'll see how freaky and accurate it can be.
10. I'm a music buff- I listen to SOOOOOO much different music, from indie to edm to metal and emo. I wouldn't say I listen to everything, country and folk is not my thing and I have little knowledge of rap, but my rang of genres is huge. My favorite bands are Green Day, The Strokes, Motion City Soundtrack, and Joyce Manor... So you can see that I'm all over the place; and even though I tend to favor some bands, I know over 400 and have been to at least 300 concerts in my 20 years.
Thanks for reading!! 😘