I get to announce a wrestling card with The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase as the special guest this weekend. While this is some awesome news and something I've been looking forward to ever since I found out in May, it's also the thing that has been making my week go EXTRA slow. It's pretty crazy. If you'd told the 10 year old me, watching...
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I am sorry it was lame =( I hate when holidays suck.. It was a really cool firework show =) It made such loud booms it was amazing =D and it was so pretty!!!
here is some good luck with your interviews....
Alright, so it's been over a week. A pretty up and down one at that. Got to spend the day in Moncton with Patty and friends before the Rollins show. A really nice day and we just walked around all afternoon. Picked up a Beavis & Butthead lunch box and a first edition of Millencolin's "Tiny Tunes." $8 for an album that was pulled due...
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Glad the HR concert rocked... Would have loved to seen that.
Not online... I got it in Quebec City...
Great weekend. Finally got to relax. Probably a full blog post tomorrow about all of it plus ROLLINS! Going to see him tomorrow night in Moncton. Until then, enjoy the new pics from this past weekend's roller derby bout between The Scarlet Swarm and Hit's N' Sass. Also, got a new photo in my profile 3, featuring my new hair colour and style, courtesy of...
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cheers for the thoughts mister... enjoy HR and let me know how it went
Another hectic weekend has come and gone. Saturday was SUPER packed. Started with a birthday party for 3 folks at the same time. My aunt, my nephew (and Godson) and my Dad. Sweet BBQ and a pretty good afternoon with family. One thing I will note, June 9th is a TAD early to be getting in the pool. I could have posed for a hopefuls...
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Well I have to agree with you there. Trust me, I was pretty disappointed I worked through the weekend. However.... I'd love to make it to a ComicCon in a state other than New Mexico. It's gotta be even more awesome.
Yea he and I both aren't on the drama. His sister is and we've watched (and broken up) fights w. her and her BF..like FIGHTS. I can't do it. I might be pissy or quiet...but then he'll be like what's wrong... I'll tell him and we sort it out. Why be with someone if you're not happy... you either fix it or move on. And you can leave long replies all you like biggrin I don't mind one bit haha
Well, a quick Monday morning post. Had a pretty good weekend. Did the wrestling announcer gig on Friday and it went fairly well with a minor sound glitch or two. The guys had a good crowd in Fredericton too, so I hope that translates to a nice big crowd when Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase comes in next month. After got to watch the classic...
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Freddy Beach WAS pretty nice this weekend
Haha maybe just a little =) but they are pretty awesome =) I love their quacks =)
Now, now, now slow down there. Not that kind of action. Actually talking about the action of pro wrestling (quiet haters). Tomorrow night we're having our June event, XWA's Deception. If anyone is in my neck of the woods, $5 will get you into the Lord Beaverbrook Rink where you can see yours truly as a ring announcer. Oh yeah, some guys will be doing...
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So, back to our place (finally). You'd think a fella would have time to rest but we ended up helping two of our friends (and new neighbours) move into their place a block over from us. Nice thing is that the move went rather quickly and we were sippin' on beers and having some pizza (the international payment for helping people move) by about 5:30....
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I helped a friend out and he wanted t give me money.... I said beer and pizza dude... Makes the world go round
So the week at my folks' place has been pretty good actually. Got to see my nieces and nephew, played some Paper Mario and had my suspicions confirmed that my grandmother is fully able to take care of herself (meaning my mom worries too much smile )

Going out to my brother's place tonight to have a couple of drinks and maybe bust out a guitar...
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That crib board needs to broke out here more... Have a great weekend
So, a funny thing happened on the way to me venting about my safe, suburban family. Some drama induced by a cousin of mine.

Let me start with a question. Who, over the age of 14 posts that they've broken up with someone, just so they can see what people are going to say about the not really ended relationship? My 34 year old cousin...
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thank you!!
So I'm going out to my parent's place this weekend to look after my nan while they go away on vacation next week. I still haven't decided if this is sweet on my part and me being a good son or is it me agreeing with them that my nan can't look after herself?

My family can be a source of frustration with me at...
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