WOW! and I dont mean the online computer game either (though it does rock!) 2022 is almost over already. Here we are in my birth month and I am once again on the side of a mountain in Northern British Columbia (only 7 km from the Yukon) at a mining camp wondering where this year went to. I have to say it was a very quick year, so quick in fact I dont remember much of what happened. I unfortunantly had lost 3 patients this year. 2 with what they call "widowmakers" (heart attacks so severe that even if one was in the hospital the survival rate is only like 10%) and 1 suicide by gun. Did get to deliver a baby this year! God nothing like bringing in another life into this world to bring a huge smile on ones face.
Started this new job. Its kinda like a semi-retirement job. Pretty slack as a security officer here at the mine. I get to sit in my shack and drink tea, read my book, do a little surfing of the net (not too much as we are pretty limited with internet up in the mountains), surf the very beautiful and sexy SG girls such as @rare and @shenzy. I am really enjoying finding new hopefuls and SG girls and reading the blogs and such. For someone like me who is extremely shy and scared of women, this helps kill time here on the mountain and I get to see somewhat of beautiful womens lives.
I am trying to slow down working, though honestly its pretty hard. Other than work I really dont have much going on my life. A friend the other day suggested that I try to get back into the dating game. I laughed at her. I am turning 49 this month, not exactly in shape (though here at camp I have been hitting the gym at night for 40 to 45 mins of biking) and watching what I eat as well. Happy to report I have lost 37 lbs in the last 3 months here and am hoping to drop another 30 to be happier.
well other than that not too much to update. So I will bid you all a great day/night and hope each and everyone who did actually read this or commented have a totally awesome September and may any and all of your wishes come true!!!