As I sit here, in my office I have the time to reflect on the last few months and the changes that have happened. This virus has really shook the world up and not totally in a good way. I find my emotions some days getting the better of me. Happy, sad, pissed off, upset, amazed. Those are just some of the feelings I have found myself going thru. Sometimes several times a day. I have lost a few friends over everything that has happened with this virus because of my views on things such as following the orders of the government as in the isolation. Or I lost a friendship because the friend found out that I actually liked Trump (side note I am Canadian but still follow politics in the US). Saying that might lose me some followers here but honestly if you wont follow someone because of their political beliefs then one could say you have a fairly closed mind. I have friends and there are people I follow who like or follow people I dont like or respect but I wont de-friend someone just because of it. Its another view to add to myself and help me keep an open mind about the world. But I degress here.
As I sit here in my office, I ponder the changes this virus has done to myself, my work, my province, my country and the world. Some changes are hard, some are weak, some make total sense and some make you sit back and go what the fuck?? This isolation is not that big of a deal to me since I am mostly a loner. I live alone, I have extremely few people I would call friends ( I prob could count on one hand my true and close friends), I work mostly alone. I do like to chat with people and such. But I can do that with chat programs, and here on the radio at work. So this isolation is not that big of a deal for me. I think when I have my time off the thing that hurts the most for me is once a week, I would go out to a restaurant to eat and that would be my "social" time. Or go to the movies or a sporting event. That way I kinda mingle with others and such. But I cant do that right now as everything is shut down.
I am high risk for this virus. I had triple by pass surgery back in 2014 which compromised both my immune system and my lungs. I have diabetes which is another strike against me. I am a cancer survivor which would be the third strike. The really funny thing is part of my job / career is medical so I have been expected to screen others for the virus. So far I have only had to do that for 5 days in total before smarter people (upper management) realized how high risk I am and got me out of there before I caught something. I have been told by my doctor that if I do catch this thing, I have an extremely high probability that I would not survive it. I have accepted that. I have had a good life and if my times comes, it comes. Maybe I will be able to get a real good rest pain free then (sorry dark humor)
There is so much I see in the news lately about people protesting this isolation and such. I have extremely mixed views on it. On one hand I understand the requirement to follow the rules and laws put in place to protect society. I get mad at cases such as the lady who was arrested by police (after she told them to arrest her) for allowing her children to play in a park that was shut down. It was all caught on tape. If something is shut down then what are you teaching your kids by going there, ignoring the fact its shut down and basically ignoring the police when they come up to you nicely and ask you to leave. Then after she was arrested the mob went to the arresting officers personal home and protested outside his home (can anyone say intimidation?) and tried to serve HIM papers to have him arrest for doing his job!??!?! That really pisses me off. But on the other hand I understand people want to get on with their lives and totally agree with them on that. It is time to re-start the economy and get things open. I dont think we need to open everything up right away but slowly start getting things back to normal.
Ok I was going to sit here and put a ton of my feelings and examples into this blog but you know I dont think I will. I am going to end this blog on a happier note:
To my followers: Thank you very much for the follows. I appreciate this greatly as I am humbled by the very fact you had made the decision to follow this guy who is so socially awkward. I wish I could go back to my younger self (teen years) and tell him people will follow you socially and make you feel like you actually mean something.
To the suicide girls and hopefuls who follow me: thank you to each and everyone of you. Not only are you ladies beautiful, but being a shy guy like myself and having you follow me really gives the old ego a boost. I am truly honored
Thank you everyone. I am sorry this blog is all over the place but I really needed to do a mind dump before I went crazy. Its my last day right now for this rotation at work then I get 2 weeks off to isolate at home and play video games all day and check everyone out on Suicide Girls as well. A vacation I am so looking forward to.
Next blog will be better organized. I do promise that.
Take care everyone!