Good morning everyone. I know I had promised to blog more but I just cant seem to find the darn time to do it. So anyways hope you are all doing well. Heres what has been happening to this old boy the last few weeks:
Work. Lots of it. Seems honestly that is all I do now. I grab all the extra days and rarely get to go home (it takes 2 days for me to go home after each work rotation. 1 day by boat then 1 day by plane which is 3 separate plane rides in 1 day, then reverse to go back to camp) Luckily not too much has happened here that is bad. Last rotation the power plant inside the mountain had an explosion. No one hurt (thank heavens) but a transformer had blown. Now these transformers are NOT your small ones you see on power poles. Nope these are 3 stories high and when they go boom they go BOOM. Had to dispatch 3 fire crews, 3 medical units, we had 2 helicopters on stand by, notified BC Air Ambulance and also the Coast Guard incase we needed extra air support. A small fire that the fire teams took care of. Outside that we have been pretty quite.
Home life: well this is a bit more exciting.. NOT .. LOL ok so I finally went on a date (first one in 26 years) Stupid me got my hopes up and such. We hit it off so well talking and texting and emailing I honestly thought this could be it. Finally found someone who understood me, understood my shyness an my aversion to people. Someone who can help me socially, and emotionally and mentally. Well we met, had coffee, I thought we hit it off pretty damn good. I did a volunteer event and on the last day of the event she came and sat and chatted with me all afternoon. It was great. The next day we were texting and she said she was having a really bad day. I decided to drive the 2 hours to the town she was working at and at the end of her shift bought her coffee and sat and chatted. I let her vent face to face. She seemed to really appreciate it and gave me a hug (oh so worth the trip/time/gas!!!) I left feeling pretty good. Had to catch my plane rides the next day and while I was at the 2nd airport, she texted me and threw me into the "friends" category. OUCH. Again stupid of me to get my hopes up. Wont let that happen again.
Damn nightmares have returned big time. I think its the heat that has been setting of my PTSD more than usual. And boy I have been having some nasty ones too. Again suffer thru them. Lost another friend (military brother) due to suicide. I guess the voices and screams finally got to him. I know the feeling. There are some days I wonder. But I am strong. I have good friends that I count on to help me thru this all.
Ok onto better lighter things here. Suicide Girls Live Chat. WOOHOOOO one of the best things SG has done in a long time! I love the fact that I can chat with whoever is on, get to actually know the girl (unless she is giving a bs story but who gives a damn). Ask questions about the ink, or about them. This live chat has really opened things up for a guy like me. Thank you SG and all the wonderful ladies who do the live chats. Just pisses me off that people demand the ladies get naked (you can go see their sets for that dumbasses) or want them to do sexual things. God I get so mad and say things in the chat telling them to smarten the fuck up. I am sorry to any of the girls I offend but I just cant stand that crap. You want that go to a porn site and get your jollys off there. Assclowns!
Ok I am so outta here right now. Back to work. Take care everyone. Remember I might not know you personally but YOU are important to me :) And I care