Hey everyone. I know I have not been very good at writing much lately. Sorry about that. The new job I am working at (started in January of this year) has been crazy. Worked my arse off this spring and summer so far. I calculated in the last 179 days I have had 49 days off in total. This job I am at is at an isolated location. Google up Kemano BC. Project is called Rio Tinto T2 Project. Basically we are boring thru a couple of mountains to make a waterway for a underground power plant. Its an expansion for the new LNG project that is being built in Kitimat BC. They need almost double the power and this tunnel will help with it. Also they will shut down the original tunnel and redrill and fix it up so it is more efficient and up to today's standards in environmental studies.
Sorry to bore you about where I am working. This has to be one of the best jobs I have ever gotten to have. I am in the middle of mountains, fresh air, at a job I love, working with some pretty cool people. Learning alot of the new safety and how company's now adays work hard to do minimal disturbance with the environment. Infact everything here is barged in over the water way and the cool thing is not only do we take our garbage out of here, we will be cleaning up everything that was left here from 1950 to present day! What cant be safely burned is/will be taken out via barge. Talk about being responsible. Once this project is done, there is currently 15 permanent buildings here and 10 of them will be burned (practice for the fire depts here) then whatever is left will be hauled away also. Only 5 buildings will be left here for the people who work in the power plant here underground.
Again sorry for boring you. Just so excited to be part of something like this. Being responsible to the environment AND building something that is going to last 100 years or more. My job here is pretty simple. I am in dispatch. My job is to control all vehicle traffic, I also control and track all boats, helicopters as well as mining gear that goes into the mountain. I dispatch fire dept if needed, EMS and safety as well. We have wildlife officers here (we currently have 72 grizzly bears that are withing a 40km radius of our main camp) During winter our main road from the camp I am at to the camp up on the mountain where the drill access point is, is 11 km long with 62 avalanche chutes (pathways) and its my job to make sure no avalanches fall or if they do or it looks like they will I shut the road down and bring in avalanche techs to either blast the snow or advise as to what we will be doing. It is all very exciting and different than what I use to be doing (EMS ambulance, oilfield / gas medical, firefighting, dispatching 911 system, working security patrols for oilfield/demonstrations)
So yeah thats what I have been up to. I will post more here and keep people updated if you want. Once I get my head out of my butt here (LOL) I will post some of the scenery pics I took here (sorry no buildings are allowed as per company policy)
A HUGE HELLO AND THANKS goes out to all my new followers. I am truely honored by having you follow little ole me. And I cannot forget a huge hug and hello to my older followers. I feel bad I have not posted in awhile but will try to be better at it.
Just wanted to say this Live chat is great!! I think its awesome to be able to talk to both SG's and Hopefuls and get to know them a bit more than just pics and blogs. Way to go SG Admin!!!
Cheers everyone
Pola Bear