I was just thinking about you lovely ladies and a few questions popped into my head (I know its pretty empty so anything popping in there is a bonus :P ).
1. When you did your hopeful (1st set) set did you take a long time to come up with a theme or story for it? Or did you just pretty well wing it the day of the shoot?
2. Did you do anything to help calm the nerves down doing your first or second or even 5th shoot? example like loud rocking music, or a few drinks or have a friend or two who you trust hugely over to help keep things light and fun?
3. How did you choose your photographer? Were they assigned to you? Did you have a few meetings to discuss what type of shoot you wanted to do?
I honestly have alot more questions but I dont want to get personal. Just going thru sets and hopeful sets and such, I am just so awestruck and thrilled as to how great these sets turn out and quite honestly curious as to how they came to actually be. The planning or winging it, cool funny stories as to how the day(s) went shooting said sets and such. Then again it could all be confidential stuff that people like me dont need to know.
Ill do up a proper blog here once my mind actually comes back down to earth after seeing all these wonderful pics and sets!!
Take care, stay safe.