Hey there!
I'm at my bed now, its 22:45 and I'm smoking my last cigar of the day. Not thinking about buying some more because I'm already a little drunk and won't smoke anymore until tomorrow, I guess.
But I came here to talk about my day. I hope you like it.
I had some misunfortunate events today, minor ones, like I bought some beers and some kid cross into us running and drop it on the floor, and I ended up losing 2 cans, and later when I came home I was going to bake a cake and the blender went all the way to the floor and crashed it's lid, but I kept it in a good mood, I got really pissed, of course, but I tryed my best to get not upset about it.
That's the vibe I'm living in right now. I'm not getting bad things ruin my day.. Despite my depression, I'm really trying to get out of this state and see the good things in life.
One dear friend, that I don't know in person (that's the funny thing about modern life, sometimes we have a close friendship with someone who is not even close to us!) taught me one thing: Always see the bright sight of eveything. And that, my friends, is what I'm doing everyday.
And now, by my own experience during this year, I 've learned something that I want to share with you, for anyone who may be going through dark times:, don't you ever wish someone bad. Revenge is not a thing.
When you feel bad for someone, when you feel hurt by someone, don't wish the same for him/her. No. Never. You know why? Because when you feel bad about someone, you attract bad things to you. Let those people in the past, let them have what they wish for you. When you learn how to let go, it's the best feeling ever.
I must say that I am trying my best, it's really hard, because who can really forgive us is God (although I'm not much a catholicist myself, I do believe in God. Period.) But, anyways, what I'm trying to say is, when you wish bad things, it comes right back at you. Don't do this to yourselves. Learn to let go. It's an amazing acknowledgment in life, and the best advice I can give you.
So, be well my friends.
Despite all the things that happened today, I was able to bake an amazing delicious cake and I'm here writing this advice to you. I only wish you good things, always.
(I cant tell you exactly what it taste like, because it is a traditional brazilian cake, but it is a corn flour based one with guava paste - "bolo de fubá com goiabada". It tastes amazing with Black coffee on breakfast or tea time)
And I must remember you that I've been through bad times this year. Really bad times, with people stabbing me in the back, people who only wanted my money and people who faked their friendship as long as I was providing them good things. I do not want people like that in my life anymore, but I learned to let go. I wish them the best, as long they can live their lives far away from me.
This is not supposed to be a bad blogpost, on the contrary, it's too be a good one.
Stay true to yourselves, and learn to let go of those who don't want to see your happiness.
Like Shirley Manson posted on her instagram (and I must say this woman always helps me when I am going through bad times):
" Don't make yourself small. No one will thank you for it. Take up space. When you do, others will too and if not, well that's their sadness, not yours."
@missy @rambo