I was looking for old homeworks subjetcs and I find out this one: "Tell us about your first tattoo"
Well, so here it is!
I have more than 40 tattoos now (I really stopped the counting, actually), but can you guess my first one?
My first ones were my stars on each shoulder/Chest. At the beginning they were just the stars. Just a couple of years later I added the borneo flowers, because I thought "it was cool".
I waited until I had 18 years old to get my first one, because, you know, family wouldnt aprove. But, by the law, I didnt need their opinion anymore (thats controversial, because they were my source of income, but we dont think about this when we are young).
I always wanted to get a tattoo since I was younger than that, because my brothers already had, so why not? That's was my thought, but 15 years ago (ugh, Im old) we must remember how things were. People were biased and if a girl had a tattoo she would probably get no job or career - and I am thankful this is "almost" over.
Anyways, back to the story. I started college and I met a girl from my class who was married to a tattoo artist. First thing I thought was : oh God, I need a tattoo! I didn't have any special idea (in fact, I am thankful that I didn't choose any of the ideas that I had when I was fifteen, lol). At that time I was a new metal fan, so I made those stars because I saw them on Crazy Town's lead singer (yes, i dont ever remember his name)
I must say, also, that when I was a teenager, before I know Suicide Girls, I knew BME (body modification e-zine). And there, ladies and gentleman, I met Suicide Girls and my beloved friend @kasha (we didn't actually talk that time, but I knew her here and also I knew about Suicide Girls there! ❤️
Back to the tattoo story: so, I came home, and even trying to hide, my mom saw it. She got pissed and I got grounded hahaha! My father didnt saw it already, I could kept away from him a little more, but as I was getting more tattoos, it got difficult. I remember one time I traveled to another city with a friend and came back with a septum piercing, and even trying to hide, they found out and made me take it out (well, I repierced 10 years later).
I did a lot of stupid things when I was younger. Not stupid actually, but things that my parents didn't understand and made them sad. Like a failed attempt of suspension. But that is another homework!
Another stupid fact: the day after I got my tattoos, one "famous" artist here (an actress (who had a tv show that was actually "sex talk", sorry if I dont know how to explain it better) did the SAME FUCKING TATTOOS. imagine how pissed I was to be compared to her everytime.
And that's my story!
Hope you like it, and if you have topic ideas for me to write about, or even curious about something, let me know!
See ya :)
@rambo @missy @sean
(pic from my first set)