This is about the bloghomework suggested assignment, about rainy days, so here it goes:
I always loved rainy days. When I was a little child, I remember not having to go to school and I would wake up real early in the morning and spend it all watching cartoons on tv in my parents bed. I have this vivid memory when I use to take this little chair and put it at the top of the bed and sit in there to watch tv. And what I loved the most was the need to turn on the lights during daytime, because the house would be really dark inside during rainy days.
And in the summer, by the afternoon, if it was rainning, me and my brothers would go to the pool and get my mom's really crazy yelling at us to go back inside the house, cause she was scared to death of us being hit by a lightning or something lol.
As I was growing up, I learned with my mother that rainy days were the best days for cleaning up our closets - giving what we didn't use it anymore and such.
Then, with 11 years old, I got to known Garbage for the very first time, with this exaclty same song - I'm Only Happy When It Rains. And although I was still a child, that song reminded me of all those good memories from childhood and my love for Garbage and Shirley started there. (If you read my previous posts you will understand this love... Sorry for being repetitive but I just can't let the chance of posting my autograph again hahahaha!)
Now I still love rainy days, they are the best to stay at home playing video games or just watching some Netflix and chill. Sometimes I still turn the lights on during daytime and I still use those days for cleaning my closet. Some things never change.
And more, as a religious person (mine is Umbanda), one of my favorite "saints" (Orixás) is Iansã , and quoting wikipedia here: "is an Orisha of winds, lightening, and violent storms, death and rebirth." I feel protected by her, so whenever I have something important to do, and it's raining, I feel blessed.
I'm scared to shit about thunders, but I must say they are amazingly beautiful and of course I respect it's powers. There's nothing more scary and beautiful as a good thunderstorm. It cleans up my soul. Nature is amazing.
Another memory as a child was having no light at home when we had windy storms, too many trees would fall and cut the wires, so we would spent the night by candlelights playing cards, domino or any other board games.
I miss my childhood. I miss not having to worry with so many things.
But I promise If I ever become a mother, my child will have all those good memories and many many more.
Thanks @rambo @missy for the opportunity to share this, and also remind me of so many good things.