December 11, 2016. The day this year turned into a good one and everything bad was erased. The day it will start a new beginning in my life. “Empty” is playing in the background, and it doesn’t matter what am I feeling, if I ever listen to a random song of Garbage, I will have answers or a path to follow. It’s like and oracle thing, a spiritual experience.
Anyways, let’s go back a few days. If you already follow me for some time, you will see I talk a lot about Garbage, and I’ve been fan of the band since I was 11 years old. My set #1 Crush is named after a old b-side song that I love so much. There is a BLOG HERE that tells more about these last 21 years of fandom. Then again, a few days ago I bought Garbage’s Meet & Greet so I was euphoric to do a Shirley tattoo! And, If you also know me for a little while, you can see how funny and stupid I can be , soooo, mixing these, I thought “why not ask her on twitter if she would kindly sign my butt?” And I HAD AN ANSWER.
(not quite what I had in mind. *sigh*) So, that got me sad a little, but I would still try to explain it personally and ask me if she would apologize.
The day came. Before I enter I was so fucking nervous and shaking and crying
And we entered. We weren’t allowed to use our phones or ask for any signing on personal stuff. I couldn’t deliver the little Veela the Dog that I bought for her, but I wouldn’t give up of my goal till the end.
They played 3 songs (Supervixen, Stroke of Luck and.. Sorry can’t remember the first one).
And it came. The time to took the individual picture and say a little words. I was already crying in the sound check, so imagine it now. I hugged Steve, Shirley and Duke, and say to them that I loved them since I was 11 years old and they were so amazing to me growing up and for that I were thankfull forever. Then I wen to Shirley and told her I did that tweet about the butt signing, and I was sorry for that, but I just asked because I am a nude model and I do shoots, so I wished I could show it to the world my love for her. And then, she said “allright… let’s do this!” . And that Was the first blog picture. My Goddess Blessed me. I was wearing a pink boá.
I Tattooed the day after, with some help of a friend <3 getting in touch with their friends <3 <3 , thanks to them <3
And then I tweeted her the tattoo and she answered me with this!!
Maybe this is a sign for me to turn pink? I think she blessed me. #HelpHerTurnPink
Today, the change begins <3
@rambo @missy