I blogged everyday in April so here are some of the highlights!
So today I took my neighbor to see his Parole Officer. His car is working but this treatment he's on is making him hallucinate. Yeah that's fun I already have to tell people there aren't invisible dogs or other men in the room at work and the CIA isn't on the phone but dealing with it when I come isn't what I want. No the elephants in the yard aren't real and there aren't horses in your apartment.
I've been working on distancing myself from him anyways because I plan on moving soon... like real soon like if I found a place in the next week I'd be in there. Sadly it would be less money to buy a freaking house than to rent a one bedroom place. That's extremely frustrating.
I'm not a Doctor. I'm not a nurse. I'm not even a CNA. People seem to think because I have a basic amount of health knowledge and am certified to pass medications including anti-psychotics and every class of drugs I know everything these is to know about their health issues. I can't look at your rash and tell you if it's fungal or not. This is why people need to go to the Doctor not just for their own health but to help people like me!
In other news I slept in far to long today and am really confused about where my time went. I do not like it but I like my sleep to much to change it. I really do like staying up late with my own agenda and not at work. I think 3p-11p is the best shift for me right now.
When you think of workplace discrimination you don't exactly think of yourself or at least I didn't. I've always been used to people being overly critical of me due to my weight, my quiet nature and my lack of desire to spill my secrets ect via the phone or in person. In short I know I tend to make people uncomfortable.
I honestly didn't think people could react like this. it wasn't till it was pointed out to me that I was being discriminated against and intimidated by my co-workers that I understood it. I shouldn't be intimidated because I'm young, unmarried, don't have children or am over weight and it shouldn't be a way to undermine my authority with our clients which has already been done. None of these are reasons for people to feel I'm a threat in any way but apparently people do and that's sad.
I think my shock to the situation stems from having a drama free life while in school. I picked my friends well and had few incidents of teasing. Sure it happened every now and then and it hurt just like it did for everyone else but you learn to be like a duck and let the water roll off your back having that slightly hardened outer layer that protects you. This is why I give so little of my personal self to people I don't trust. This is pretty unfortunate because I'm a funny, happy, good friend to those I let in and the rest of the world I let go on thinking I'm boring and shy. Sadly they're missing out because I'm awesome.
So now I have this huge case pending with HR at the company I work for that will no doubt be awful to deal with on our crew of five employees. With so few people it's easy to find out who did what and when. I wish I didn't have to do this but the reality is if I don't take a stand my self worth will take a hit as well as letting this person get away with it and letting them think it's ok to do to others. It isn't and I'm taking a stand.
I really like kids. With that said there is one kid who I hate more than all the rest. Her name is Brooke and she's an evil fourth grader.
Examples of her evil:
-When a two year old asked how Alvin and the Chipmonks ended she told him they were eaten by Dave.
-She stole and Nintendo DS from a four year old and refused to give it back even though it was his and he was crying.
-She told the little kids Simba got what he deserved when his Dad died and that he should throw himself off a cliff too.
-She bites people.
-She locked herself in the closet on purpose to attempt to get me in trouble.
-She ran away back to her house in the middle of church after kicking her Dad in the knee so he couldn't chase her.
-She hit her brother with a baseball bat intending to hurt him.
My theory is either she's going to grow up to be a serial killer or her little brother is from suffering years of abuse under her. Poor Austin (her little brother) is the sweetest thing too. He likes to color and makes things and it's even more adorable because he's color blind and has a slight speech issue so he'll ask you if things are 'gween' all the time. Seriously adorable little boy with an evil big sister.
I think the world really would be a better place if Brooke went to the evil baby orphanage.
In more random kind of stuff I totally saw a coyote on my way home. I thought my Dad was trying to keep us from playing in the woods as kids but I really did have one cross in front of my car today. It makes me wonder what else he's been right about. Is 'Big Brother' really watching? *shifty eyes*
Quote of the night/week: "I hope no Doctors are coming her tonight with an attitude about my genitals."
How to react when a for serious crazy person (because what normal one would?) say this to you:
1. Do not laugh. It's tempting to see this as a joke when a large old man is saying this to you from an arm chair across the room completely out of the blue but do not laugh.
2. Promise no one is coming for his genitals. I would say this one is fairly obvious because if someone who happened to be a Doctor was coming it wouldn't be in the middle of the night and the only attitude they would have would be one of concern for his lack of showering and the over use of the big ol' bottle of lotion by his bed.
3. Go back to what you were doing and keep trying not to laugh. For me this was watching Bones. Thankfully it was a corpse so I was grossed out not amused by a social faux pau one of the eccentrically brainy characters had made.
And that friends is a lesson on how to field random questions from crazytown.
Why is it that when a really great music thing rolls into the area (by area I mean up to three hours away)I have to work the next morning and have no one to go with because it's on a tuesday night?
Neko Case is going to be in Cleveland and I want to go. Better yet it's $5 since I'm on the venue's mailing list. WHY MUST THE FORCES BE AGAINST ME WHEN IT COMES TO ALL THINGS AWESOME!?!?!?!?!
Stupid dark orbs.
Dark Orbs - Once upon a time I visited a psychic (I totally typed psycho first) right before we started college. The psychic told me I have dark orbs in my life. The she attempted to sell me a crystal to get rid of them. I did not buy said crystal and now when something annoying happens I blame the orbs.
I get really jealous of those who have poetic skills and music ability that can translate into writing their own songs. Sure I can play a crap ton of instruments but none of them are useful when it comes to writing music. I got a piano for my 13th (?) birthday and never did anything with it! I'm such a moron. What makes this harder is that I don't have any musical friend either. I don't have a single friend who plays piano or guitar to a level where they could teach me in exchange for food. (Yes, food. I like to cook!) So the long and the short of this is I think I might take some lessons of some kind on I think the guitar once I move and get settled again. Lessons cost money though and I'm trying not to spend money because I want to go on vacation in Aug. More on my vacation plans tomorrow though. For now I have to pack up my stuff and head to my apartment because I have some Doctor Who to watch. <33333 Series 4 where Donna brings the awesome. That's right I love Donna the most.
I hate people on tv and in movies who give me unreal expectations of how my hair should look. I was watching Gossip Girl (no mocking please I like all the pretty boys and clothes!) and my hair is longer than the majority of the characters now and it still looks like I'm constantly in a real wind tunnel not a sexy breeze tunnel that makes your hair look perfect tunnel. I've been putting up with purse straps on my hair, random people touching it, getting all kinds of still from cake batter to pickle juice in the ends when they just fall into stuff (not at work I pull it back when I cook at work!) and it's still not great hair. I can't even make it all stay in a side ponytail and people with a bob can make that style work for them!
I think I can take my unreal hair expectations back to Disney. I mean come on how could the Ariel have perfect hair UNDER WATER!?!?! Don't even get me started on everyone having perfect eyelashes in cartoons either. I'm pretty sure they didn't have lengthening and curling mascara in ancient Greece, a fairytale forest or African jungle (yeah that's right NALA I'm calling you out you mascara wearing Lion.)
I say all this now because the weather is starting to get warm. My hair will now become even more of a pain in the ass as it hangs over my neck and face becoming a giant head warmer that attracts the heat of the sun to its dark color. I know I'll be wishing I could cut it off everyday form now till Oct. The problem is if I cut it now I know I would cry about it later.
Ugh. Hair Trauma.
Now comes the time where i gush about my love of Nick shows. I love Drake & Josh and iCarly. I don't care what people think I love. They make me laugh like the 8 year old I am on the inside. I'm not even kidding when I tell you Carly's older brother Spencer would be in my top 10 dream fictional husbands. I wish I was kidding. As for Drake and Josh I have no excuse other than they amuse me. I really do enjoy the shows.
I think my favorite part of yesterday was rocking out dancing around the living room with Jeremy to the iCarly theme. It sounds stupid but it's the little things in life that are so much fun.
hmmm... April was a shockingly hard month. Between my crazy work issues with the whole discrimination and wacky shifts I feel like I haven't done anything but sleep, work and blog. My bank account is thankful since it's bigger than... well ever at the moment ok so maybe not ever if you count HS Graduation money. April has just been complicated and dictated by work which is good because I like paying my bills but I'm not so much a fan of not doing anything other than work. All this is going to change in May though! We has our staff meeting of DOOM today and my schedule if freaking awesome. So awesome I fear for my life a bit but hey I kinda deserve it after the month I've had. So hello 9-5 Tues - Sat. Lovely!
In other May type things, everyday blogs are going away because I'm pretty sure they're boring but hey they'll still be around weekly like!
If you made it though all of this You're MADE OF AWESOME!
So today I took my neighbor to see his Parole Officer. His car is working but this treatment he's on is making him hallucinate. Yeah that's fun I already have to tell people there aren't invisible dogs or other men in the room at work and the CIA isn't on the phone but dealing with it when I come isn't what I want. No the elephants in the yard aren't real and there aren't horses in your apartment.
I've been working on distancing myself from him anyways because I plan on moving soon... like real soon like if I found a place in the next week I'd be in there. Sadly it would be less money to buy a freaking house than to rent a one bedroom place. That's extremely frustrating.
I'm not a Doctor. I'm not a nurse. I'm not even a CNA. People seem to think because I have a basic amount of health knowledge and am certified to pass medications including anti-psychotics and every class of drugs I know everything these is to know about their health issues. I can't look at your rash and tell you if it's fungal or not. This is why people need to go to the Doctor not just for their own health but to help people like me!
In other news I slept in far to long today and am really confused about where my time went. I do not like it but I like my sleep to much to change it. I really do like staying up late with my own agenda and not at work. I think 3p-11p is the best shift for me right now.
When you think of workplace discrimination you don't exactly think of yourself or at least I didn't. I've always been used to people being overly critical of me due to my weight, my quiet nature and my lack of desire to spill my secrets ect via the phone or in person. In short I know I tend to make people uncomfortable.
I honestly didn't think people could react like this. it wasn't till it was pointed out to me that I was being discriminated against and intimidated by my co-workers that I understood it. I shouldn't be intimidated because I'm young, unmarried, don't have children or am over weight and it shouldn't be a way to undermine my authority with our clients which has already been done. None of these are reasons for people to feel I'm a threat in any way but apparently people do and that's sad.
I think my shock to the situation stems from having a drama free life while in school. I picked my friends well and had few incidents of teasing. Sure it happened every now and then and it hurt just like it did for everyone else but you learn to be like a duck and let the water roll off your back having that slightly hardened outer layer that protects you. This is why I give so little of my personal self to people I don't trust. This is pretty unfortunate because I'm a funny, happy, good friend to those I let in and the rest of the world I let go on thinking I'm boring and shy. Sadly they're missing out because I'm awesome.
So now I have this huge case pending with HR at the company I work for that will no doubt be awful to deal with on our crew of five employees. With so few people it's easy to find out who did what and when. I wish I didn't have to do this but the reality is if I don't take a stand my self worth will take a hit as well as letting this person get away with it and letting them think it's ok to do to others. It isn't and I'm taking a stand.
I really like kids. With that said there is one kid who I hate more than all the rest. Her name is Brooke and she's an evil fourth grader.
Examples of her evil:
-When a two year old asked how Alvin and the Chipmonks ended she told him they were eaten by Dave.
-She stole and Nintendo DS from a four year old and refused to give it back even though it was his and he was crying.
-She told the little kids Simba got what he deserved when his Dad died and that he should throw himself off a cliff too.
-She bites people.
-She locked herself in the closet on purpose to attempt to get me in trouble.
-She ran away back to her house in the middle of church after kicking her Dad in the knee so he couldn't chase her.
-She hit her brother with a baseball bat intending to hurt him.
My theory is either she's going to grow up to be a serial killer or her little brother is from suffering years of abuse under her. Poor Austin (her little brother) is the sweetest thing too. He likes to color and makes things and it's even more adorable because he's color blind and has a slight speech issue so he'll ask you if things are 'gween' all the time. Seriously adorable little boy with an evil big sister.
I think the world really would be a better place if Brooke went to the evil baby orphanage.
In more random kind of stuff I totally saw a coyote on my way home. I thought my Dad was trying to keep us from playing in the woods as kids but I really did have one cross in front of my car today. It makes me wonder what else he's been right about. Is 'Big Brother' really watching? *shifty eyes*
Quote of the night/week: "I hope no Doctors are coming her tonight with an attitude about my genitals."
How to react when a for serious crazy person (because what normal one would?) say this to you:
1. Do not laugh. It's tempting to see this as a joke when a large old man is saying this to you from an arm chair across the room completely out of the blue but do not laugh.
2. Promise no one is coming for his genitals. I would say this one is fairly obvious because if someone who happened to be a Doctor was coming it wouldn't be in the middle of the night and the only attitude they would have would be one of concern for his lack of showering and the over use of the big ol' bottle of lotion by his bed.
3. Go back to what you were doing and keep trying not to laugh. For me this was watching Bones. Thankfully it was a corpse so I was grossed out not amused by a social faux pau one of the eccentrically brainy characters had made.
And that friends is a lesson on how to field random questions from crazytown.
Why is it that when a really great music thing rolls into the area (by area I mean up to three hours away)I have to work the next morning and have no one to go with because it's on a tuesday night?
Neko Case is going to be in Cleveland and I want to go. Better yet it's $5 since I'm on the venue's mailing list. WHY MUST THE FORCES BE AGAINST ME WHEN IT COMES TO ALL THINGS AWESOME!?!?!?!?!
Stupid dark orbs.
Dark Orbs - Once upon a time I visited a psychic (I totally typed psycho first) right before we started college. The psychic told me I have dark orbs in my life. The she attempted to sell me a crystal to get rid of them. I did not buy said crystal and now when something annoying happens I blame the orbs.
I get really jealous of those who have poetic skills and music ability that can translate into writing their own songs. Sure I can play a crap ton of instruments but none of them are useful when it comes to writing music. I got a piano for my 13th (?) birthday and never did anything with it! I'm such a moron. What makes this harder is that I don't have any musical friend either. I don't have a single friend who plays piano or guitar to a level where they could teach me in exchange for food. (Yes, food. I like to cook!) So the long and the short of this is I think I might take some lessons of some kind on I think the guitar once I move and get settled again. Lessons cost money though and I'm trying not to spend money because I want to go on vacation in Aug. More on my vacation plans tomorrow though. For now I have to pack up my stuff and head to my apartment because I have some Doctor Who to watch. <33333 Series 4 where Donna brings the awesome. That's right I love Donna the most.
I hate people on tv and in movies who give me unreal expectations of how my hair should look. I was watching Gossip Girl (no mocking please I like all the pretty boys and clothes!) and my hair is longer than the majority of the characters now and it still looks like I'm constantly in a real wind tunnel not a sexy breeze tunnel that makes your hair look perfect tunnel. I've been putting up with purse straps on my hair, random people touching it, getting all kinds of still from cake batter to pickle juice in the ends when they just fall into stuff (not at work I pull it back when I cook at work!) and it's still not great hair. I can't even make it all stay in a side ponytail and people with a bob can make that style work for them!
I think I can take my unreal hair expectations back to Disney. I mean come on how could the Ariel have perfect hair UNDER WATER!?!?! Don't even get me started on everyone having perfect eyelashes in cartoons either. I'm pretty sure they didn't have lengthening and curling mascara in ancient Greece, a fairytale forest or African jungle (yeah that's right NALA I'm calling you out you mascara wearing Lion.)
I say all this now because the weather is starting to get warm. My hair will now become even more of a pain in the ass as it hangs over my neck and face becoming a giant head warmer that attracts the heat of the sun to its dark color. I know I'll be wishing I could cut it off everyday form now till Oct. The problem is if I cut it now I know I would cry about it later.
Ugh. Hair Trauma.
Now comes the time where i gush about my love of Nick shows. I love Drake & Josh and iCarly. I don't care what people think I love. They make me laugh like the 8 year old I am on the inside. I'm not even kidding when I tell you Carly's older brother Spencer would be in my top 10 dream fictional husbands. I wish I was kidding. As for Drake and Josh I have no excuse other than they amuse me. I really do enjoy the shows.
I think my favorite part of yesterday was rocking out dancing around the living room with Jeremy to the iCarly theme. It sounds stupid but it's the little things in life that are so much fun.
hmmm... April was a shockingly hard month. Between my crazy work issues with the whole discrimination and wacky shifts I feel like I haven't done anything but sleep, work and blog. My bank account is thankful since it's bigger than... well ever at the moment ok so maybe not ever if you count HS Graduation money. April has just been complicated and dictated by work which is good because I like paying my bills but I'm not so much a fan of not doing anything other than work. All this is going to change in May though! We has our staff meeting of DOOM today and my schedule if freaking awesome. So awesome I fear for my life a bit but hey I kinda deserve it after the month I've had. So hello 9-5 Tues - Sat. Lovely!
In other May type things, everyday blogs are going away because I'm pretty sure they're boring but hey they'll still be around weekly like!
If you made it though all of this You're MADE OF AWESOME!
LMAO ahahahahaha that rules! what else happened in the dream?
i knew i was a born star LOL