So halloween is over, and the fireworks come out!! as do the christmas decor. which really takes the fun out of christmas because its as if we're celebrating it from october instead of mid decemeber, or maybe im just getting too old for it now.
i didn't go out at halloween and from the pics on "facefuck" i really didn't miss a thing! about a hundred people dressed as the joker and then just some really shit costumes from the rest.
just one more week at work untill my two weeks off, which is fine because my boss is really startig to get on my tits as she chooses the worst days to pic off, then i have to do her jobs, as well as mine and still get paid the same shite wage unless i beg for some overtime (slut)
in my two weeks of i shall be doing FA as my parents are in malta so i'll be sitting in my pants with the heating on full whack. however i will be visiting the big smoke again on the 8th for a wee visit with me g/f then back home intime to have my sleave finished

i didn't go out at halloween and from the pics on "facefuck" i really didn't miss a thing! about a hundred people dressed as the joker and then just some really shit costumes from the rest.
just one more week at work untill my two weeks off, which is fine because my boss is really startig to get on my tits as she chooses the worst days to pic off, then i have to do her jobs, as well as mine and still get paid the same shite wage unless i beg for some overtime (slut)
in my two weeks of i shall be doing FA as my parents are in malta so i'll be sitting in my pants with the heating on full whack. however i will be visiting the big smoke again on the 8th for a wee visit with me g/f then back home intime to have my sleave finished