Ahoy Sgland.
Hopefully everyone in the states had a great Independence Day.
I, myself did...and have just been taking it one day at a time.
Working on promotional modeling and event coordination around the Detroit area,
and keeping myself busy.
As far as the bills go,
they're just now starting to pile up in the mail box.
I really thought, it'd be faster than a month before they all started to come,
so I'm thankful for that at least.
I've had some amazing people surrounding me keeping smiles on my face,
and keeping me in the right state of mind, in which is LOVE LIFE, and think posi.
(basically be myself?)
The summers been rolling along quite nicely, and the sun's been kissing me, leaving me a nice glow.
My hairs getting long, and I'm keeping myself in pretty good shape.
Trying to eat healthier, and watch the partying....while focusing on the big picture.
I'd love to hear how everyone is, and Id love to thank everyone for all of thier support.
I honestly have to say without a community like this, I don't know what I'd have done through these times,
seeing all the love, and positivity in the support you all have given has been life changing, and ever moving.
I wish I could hug each and everyone of you, and make you a batch of cookies.
However, I know that's not possible right now,
so here's some e cookies and hugs.

As far as donations go, I'm still accepting them,
and appreciate them more than air in my lungs.
Moreover, I appreciate an opportunity to be able to overcome something like this,
with the support of a community thats world wide, and local.
Thank you.<3
joke of the day:
Where do cows go on vacation?
Drop your corny jokes here.
ps: Paulah O I miss you lovey.
Donations Highly Appreciated
Hopefully everyone in the states had a great Independence Day.
I, myself did...and have just been taking it one day at a time.
Working on promotional modeling and event coordination around the Detroit area,
and keeping myself busy.
As far as the bills go,
they're just now starting to pile up in the mail box.
I really thought, it'd be faster than a month before they all started to come,
so I'm thankful for that at least.
I've had some amazing people surrounding me keeping smiles on my face,
and keeping me in the right state of mind, in which is LOVE LIFE, and think posi.
(basically be myself?)
The summers been rolling along quite nicely, and the sun's been kissing me, leaving me a nice glow.
My hairs getting long, and I'm keeping myself in pretty good shape.
Trying to eat healthier, and watch the partying....while focusing on the big picture.
I'd love to hear how everyone is, and Id love to thank everyone for all of thier support.
I honestly have to say without a community like this, I don't know what I'd have done through these times,
seeing all the love, and positivity in the support you all have given has been life changing, and ever moving.
I wish I could hug each and everyone of you, and make you a batch of cookies.
However, I know that's not possible right now,
so here's some e cookies and hugs.

As far as donations go, I'm still accepting them,
and appreciate them more than air in my lungs.
Moreover, I appreciate an opportunity to be able to overcome something like this,
with the support of a community thats world wide, and local.
Thank you.<3
joke of the day:
Where do cows go on vacation?
Drop your corny jokes here.
ps: Paulah O I miss you lovey.
Donations Highly Appreciated
Im glad things with the modeling and event stuff is going well.
Im glad you have good friends, good friends can make life so much better.
I try to eat healthy most of the time, I feel so much better when I do.
Im really glad SG has helped you get thru this, I think this is a great place with great people and I think SG wouldnt be the same with out you, well next time I see you at a tattoo expo then you can give me a hug LOL.
Wow what kind of cookies are those, they look so good.