Medical Updates.
Ahoy Sgland,
I hope you're all smiling and well.
I am, however, I've found no real information on any kind of medical assistance or help.
Pretty much every place I go to, including hospitals, send me somewhere else.
It's like a fucking game of medical GO FISH.
I've decided altho even tho I do not wish to ask for help,
I must...and have created a donation button for my pay pal
& am shooting prints tomorrow in which will also be up for sale.
I appreciate all of your concern, information you've given/found out for me, comments, and just general support really.
It means the world to me.
I've not really been hanging around too many people,
a select few here and there.
Been steady on Pillow Fighting Association still,
and working with DetroitCity Tv, and Detroit City Girls.
That's been fun, and definitely taken my mind off things a day or two a week.
However, Medical crap, and the C word (not cunt), are both stressful, and scary,
so again Thank you.<3
With that said,
I think I'll get myself a glass of red wine,
listen to some more Gorilla Biscuits and do some research.
Donations Welcome & Very appreciated.
Ahoy Sgland,
I hope you're all smiling and well.
I am, however, I've found no real information on any kind of medical assistance or help.
Pretty much every place I go to, including hospitals, send me somewhere else.
It's like a fucking game of medical GO FISH.
I've decided altho even tho I do not wish to ask for help,
I must...and have created a donation button for my pay pal
& am shooting prints tomorrow in which will also be up for sale.
I appreciate all of your concern, information you've given/found out for me, comments, and just general support really.
It means the world to me.
I've not really been hanging around too many people,
a select few here and there.
Been steady on Pillow Fighting Association still,
and working with DetroitCity Tv, and Detroit City Girls.
That's been fun, and definitely taken my mind off things a day or two a week.
However, Medical crap, and the C word (not cunt), are both stressful, and scary,
so again Thank you.<3
With that said,
I think I'll get myself a glass of red wine,
listen to some more Gorilla Biscuits and do some research.
Donations Welcome & Very appreciated.
Your not so bad looking yourself there lady
I hope you find what you are looking for soon. Medical care sucks and insurance is stupid outrageously priced.
to your blog. That really sucks. I'm always so angry when I think about the medical care over there. The system sucks and doesn't really help those who really need help.
I know I can't really help you from over here. But if there's anything let me know.
It's important that you get medical help you need. I hope that you can make it through this.