So I dont think my set's EVER going live.
Ice Water
Awesome, and to think I thought that one was a winner.
Crossing my fingers for a bonus to help pay for this medical crap.
C'est La vie.
Through it all ladies and gents,
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Id been having serious cramps and bleeding with my new birth control.
After three days of straight bleeding and serious cramping I was starting to get concerned,
it was beyond the normal transition your body goes through.
I decided I should probably call my chi chi doctor.
But first I wanted to stop at my daddys and visit and scoop up my mail.
In the mail was a letter from the gyno,
hmm, how weird...this must be a bill...
it wasnt a bill.
Oh well thats weird.
I should probably DEFINITELY call them.
Long story short, they tell me I need to come in for further tests and a small surgical procedure.
(Recently I lost my job, thanks to being laid off my insurance was renigged and of course all medical issues needed to be taken care of RIGHT when the insurance was no longer available.)
After telling the nurse this, she began to tell me the procedure is $400 bucks without insurance &
that she could probably talk to the doctor about lowering it or helping me out, but it needed immediate attention.
In the past year, I've had a heart attack, compressed organs, pulled my own tooth out in self dentistry and now this.
I'm still alive and kickin, but can the health issues just come to a halt please?
I mean, at least until I get INSURANCE BACK!
I make my surgery apt tomorrow, and go from there.
updates and more information coming soon.
Too many things piling up at once, cause for one broke and stressed out campbell,
someone come over with a blunt and the gun for duck hunt.
end scene.