Well, nothing useful is going to get done today. Thanks to youtube. Check this. A few of the bands I saw in Edinburgh 86/87/89
Lloyd Cole & the Commotions
The Stranglers (Edinburgh playhouse)
The stranglers (newcastle city hall)
(OK so I saw the stranglers eleven times in two years)
The cure
Love this clip. Hard to remember the cure as we first knew and lioved them.
X-mal deutschland - supported the Stranglers and led to my obsession with 4AD
Dead can dance
and this one by This Mortal Coil still stops my heart and transports me back 20 years when I hear it
TMC song to the siren
And a bit later Thrum
Great band, low quality vid
Would love to know what happened to them!
Anyway. Off fer a run with the dogs
a bientot
Lloyd Cole & the Commotions
The Stranglers (Edinburgh playhouse)
The stranglers (newcastle city hall)
(OK so I saw the stranglers eleven times in two years)
The cure
Love this clip. Hard to remember the cure as we first knew and lioved them.
X-mal deutschland - supported the Stranglers and led to my obsession with 4AD
Dead can dance
and this one by This Mortal Coil still stops my heart and transports me back 20 years when I hear it
TMC song to the siren
And a bit later Thrum
Great band, low quality vid
Would love to know what happened to them!
Anyway. Off fer a run with the dogs
a bientot
You are right, it's all about culture. I interpreted it as total aggro-smack (American) v. possible flattering/not totally asshole (rest of the world).
The source: le Google, god of all things good and evil under our sun. I found it while obsessively stocking up on good Jan pics for the month of July
I know, youtube is a harsh mistress. I had to forcibly shut myself off yesterday in order to take a biology quiz. Which, by the way, is a really hard class. Though I suspect the level of difficulty is inverse to the amount of time I actually spend studying. Anyway, I think I dreamed of watching a video on youtube last night!
Now that I look at him as an adult (me, not him) I can't decide: is he gay or just English?