Efforts. The anticipation (dread) of efforts always underestimates how gut wrenchingly awful they are. Its 6.25am. 5 minutes to off. 20 mins of pilates done plus stretches. Small coffee. Bike shoes. I walk like C3PO in bike shoes ("master luke would never approve"). iPod under beanie under helmet.
its just a ride, its just a ride
no need to run no need to hide
what would she know anyway. Its going to be hell. A year since i last did efforts on the bike...
5km undulating spin to the hilly circuit. High cadence to get the legs going 39/19 on the ups 39/17 on the downs cadence 140, 142 144, 148 starting to bounce in the saddle. Heart rate climbs - the first effort won't be such a shock. Mirror in the Bathroom.
Down the hill, and round the sharp left then right hander onto the start of the first rep, need something faster on the iPod but have to wait for the Beat to finish. 53/17 out of the saddle to get the gear going 35kph, 38 kph up the hill. AFI - girls not grey. Much better. Heart rate up to 172 slight dip, hard left hander then a 300m climb still 53/17, still in the saddle. 39/15. 39/16 keep going Jan-style in the saddle. legs are burning a bit. HR 179. Over the top. Big gear descent, keep the effort up. Belly - feed the tree. Feeling it, still 2 mins at least of effort to go. begin the last couple of climbs. To the lamp post at the top, hit the lap button. 4.50. shit. lost 30 seconds and thats on the first rep.
Spin down long pocket hill. trying to relax get the heart rate down. Maximo Park - apply some pressure. Spent a year on and off in Newcastle general hospital as a kid and still love the geordie accent. Heart down to 129, spinning freely. Dead Kennedys, Holiday in Cambodia a bit too soon, not at the turn yet.
Turn. Heart rate 117. Back onto the big ring and out of the saddle, bring the speed up. Heart rate starts to climb again. Slight uphill then down to the left hander ready for he short sharp hill at long pocket. 47kph, 53/16. Echo dancing horses, too slow (Skooters fault!). keep thinking about kennedys to keep the cadence up. Pol-pot, pol-pot, pol-pot... Decide to spin the hill, drop to 39/15 stay in the saddle, 39/16, 39/17. Mistake, should have kept the big ring and let the legs take the burn rather than the lungs. Over the brow of the hill, change two by mistake and try to push up the speed up the next rise, lungs hurting. Pickin it up hot hot heat. And the second rep is done. Spin out to the end of the lap. Then twice more round the same circuit. It gets harder.
One minute into lap 2 effort 1 and have to lean on the brakes. Mums tractor (SUV in the US) taking fat unsustainable kid 500 metres to school vaguely glides in from the right nearly taking me out. Jetsetter morningwood. Overtake crawling SUV put the power on up the hill 53/17 53/19, lungs bursting, legs burning. In the saddle. Over the top and the big gear again trying to keep the effort going, wanting to freewheel down the hill, but pedalling hard 62 kph. Keep going against the burning legs and lungs. 2 more minutes effort and freewheel past the lamp post. Spin down to the turn to begin the short effort for the second time
Lap 3. Run to the hills (hated heavy metal as a school kid and the hairy smellies who liked it, but SSX on Tour made me reconsider). On the climb. Nausea, real burning thighs, lungs exploding with cold air. Wow. Hot. beret leather gloves boots - legs forever. Unbelievable. The Male psyche; I am about to throw the breakfast I havent yet eaten and still the hormones take over! We arent in control. Over the crest to Jimmy Eat World
Im on my feet Im on the floor Im good to go
Try to finish this effort before the song ends. Only the short one to do and then spin home. One last 3 minute pain session then elated self satisfaction. Legs tired for last hill so dance like lance out of the saddle. SLF gotta getaway (Favourite band at school!).
Coast home to wave of mutilation (appropriate)
Cant feel my toes, but Im glowing anyway.
Efforts. Hate them, but they are so worth it afterwards.
Porridge (you can take the boy out of Scotland)
Back on the bike (mountain) to get to work.
The white heat of science. Shame it is all but smothered by the tepid beige of bureaucracy.
its just a ride, its just a ride
no need to run no need to hide
what would she know anyway. Its going to be hell. A year since i last did efforts on the bike...
5km undulating spin to the hilly circuit. High cadence to get the legs going 39/19 on the ups 39/17 on the downs cadence 140, 142 144, 148 starting to bounce in the saddle. Heart rate climbs - the first effort won't be such a shock. Mirror in the Bathroom.
Down the hill, and round the sharp left then right hander onto the start of the first rep, need something faster on the iPod but have to wait for the Beat to finish. 53/17 out of the saddle to get the gear going 35kph, 38 kph up the hill. AFI - girls not grey. Much better. Heart rate up to 172 slight dip, hard left hander then a 300m climb still 53/17, still in the saddle. 39/15. 39/16 keep going Jan-style in the saddle. legs are burning a bit. HR 179. Over the top. Big gear descent, keep the effort up. Belly - feed the tree. Feeling it, still 2 mins at least of effort to go. begin the last couple of climbs. To the lamp post at the top, hit the lap button. 4.50. shit. lost 30 seconds and thats on the first rep.
Spin down long pocket hill. trying to relax get the heart rate down. Maximo Park - apply some pressure. Spent a year on and off in Newcastle general hospital as a kid and still love the geordie accent. Heart down to 129, spinning freely. Dead Kennedys, Holiday in Cambodia a bit too soon, not at the turn yet.
Turn. Heart rate 117. Back onto the big ring and out of the saddle, bring the speed up. Heart rate starts to climb again. Slight uphill then down to the left hander ready for he short sharp hill at long pocket. 47kph, 53/16. Echo dancing horses, too slow (Skooters fault!). keep thinking about kennedys to keep the cadence up. Pol-pot, pol-pot, pol-pot... Decide to spin the hill, drop to 39/15 stay in the saddle, 39/16, 39/17. Mistake, should have kept the big ring and let the legs take the burn rather than the lungs. Over the brow of the hill, change two by mistake and try to push up the speed up the next rise, lungs hurting. Pickin it up hot hot heat. And the second rep is done. Spin out to the end of the lap. Then twice more round the same circuit. It gets harder.
One minute into lap 2 effort 1 and have to lean on the brakes. Mums tractor (SUV in the US) taking fat unsustainable kid 500 metres to school vaguely glides in from the right nearly taking me out. Jetsetter morningwood. Overtake crawling SUV put the power on up the hill 53/17 53/19, lungs bursting, legs burning. In the saddle. Over the top and the big gear again trying to keep the effort going, wanting to freewheel down the hill, but pedalling hard 62 kph. Keep going against the burning legs and lungs. 2 more minutes effort and freewheel past the lamp post. Spin down to the turn to begin the short effort for the second time
Lap 3. Run to the hills (hated heavy metal as a school kid and the hairy smellies who liked it, but SSX on Tour made me reconsider). On the climb. Nausea, real burning thighs, lungs exploding with cold air. Wow. Hot. beret leather gloves boots - legs forever. Unbelievable. The Male psyche; I am about to throw the breakfast I havent yet eaten and still the hormones take over! We arent in control. Over the crest to Jimmy Eat World
Im on my feet Im on the floor Im good to go
Try to finish this effort before the song ends. Only the short one to do and then spin home. One last 3 minute pain session then elated self satisfaction. Legs tired for last hill so dance like lance out of the saddle. SLF gotta getaway (Favourite band at school!).
Coast home to wave of mutilation (appropriate)
Cant feel my toes, but Im glowing anyway.
Efforts. Hate them, but they are so worth it afterwards.
Porridge (you can take the boy out of Scotland)
Back on the bike (mountain) to get to work.
The white heat of science. Shame it is all but smothered by the tepid beige of bureaucracy.
And on a work day! Yeah, Dancing Horses should be on the cool down phase I would think.
How far was it? And 30 secs down after a back injury, a year off and a year older doesn't seem so bad, does it? And, from 173 to 117 is awesome!
Boys are so competitive
Note to self: download Belly...
And of course I am bringing my bike! I read somewhere that the softride breaks down and fits in a golf bag (except for the wheels of course). The whole thing goes carry-on.
Where in Oz are you?