Another beautiful day in Canada's national capital and as a good silly servant went out for a stroll at lunch with my office buddy. We got stares from all the worker bees using the lunch hour to run and get out of the office as they were all dressed in bright colours and fancy gear while we were dressed in black and gray and I...
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Emotionally exhausting past couple of weeks for sure.

In a bunch of words: emergency, hospital, mother, diagnosis, cancer, prognosis, tests, more tests, waiting, results, pessimism, optimism, "ologists", biopsy, etc.

pictures I have taken in the past to take my mind off of it all

Fountain at Fulford Place in Brockville Canada - said to be designed by the guy who did Central Park in NY...
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Weird relationship crap going down, or so it seems. I know, like and hang out with several women at work. In the past few days they have told me bizarre things that their husbands/boyfriends have done

Monday started off with J telling me that her husband of less than a year texted (yes texted) her saying he thought they should call it quits and get...
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Nice Shots

I survived what to me were two monster drives. The drive down to the east coast was good. Great weather conditions and smooth sailing. Drive back was hell. All through Quebec was terrible. Snow, rain and high winds. Damn near a white knuckle 10 hour slog.
Had a great time in fredericton, if not a little weird but all good. Took in the town and...
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So cool smile
Days without cigarettes:16
Years without booze: 3
Did another round of interviews for a coop placement at my work today. Different school this time around and only had 10 to interview. The coop program at the uni that I was at today is not run as well as the last school and that really showed. Some really good students that with some additional guidance would...
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Days without cigarettes: 11
Yesterday I had the pleasure of conducting interviews of university students for a co-op placement at my work. A very interesting experience and I was impressed with the students we invited in. They were very much A-type personalities and didn't seemed to be at all nervous. Some big time over achievers and very smart kids. As a whole, far more together...
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"what the hell am I supposed to teach them? How to be a survivalist at living and be a fuck-weasel to get ahead?"

I'd say exactly that. Economics, the humanities, biology, all that stuff's great, but "survivalist fuck-weasel" is fundamental. Not going anywhere without that, no matter how many books you cram. Haha.