Well here we are again. I think to day was rather great until I noticed that it was going to be a great day. That is when all hell broke lose for me. I lost my phone which is like my life line.
That is the only way people can get a hold of me. So now I went to the police station to file a claim where I met this must over weight community cop that I have ever seen.
See it was my understanding that a cop had to be in shape. I guess all those years in the military have put that in my head. I mean if there was some sort of robbery happing in front of her there is no way in hell that she was going to chase him down.
Well that is my view I mean after all she is there to protect and serve. If it was any other job who cares. There just should be some standred for them as there is in the military.
Well on to the other subject that I had in my head. I was going over the shots and I realize that I could not use any of these shots for the ad that I was going to put together.
I think that there great but not for what I need them for. That has got to suck but then again what are you going to do?
That is the only way people can get a hold of me. So now I went to the police station to file a claim where I met this must over weight community cop that I have ever seen.
See it was my understanding that a cop had to be in shape. I guess all those years in the military have put that in my head. I mean if there was some sort of robbery happing in front of her there is no way in hell that she was going to chase him down.
Well that is my view I mean after all she is there to protect and serve. If it was any other job who cares. There just should be some standred for them as there is in the military.
Well on to the other subject that I had in my head. I was going over the shots and I realize that I could not use any of these shots for the ad that I was going to put together.
I think that there great but not for what I need them for. That has got to suck but then again what are you going to do?