Well today was good I am happy that my finals are over
There is comfort in that I do not have nearly the stress. the paper is also over the one thing that I would have to deal with is the online stuff.
You know I thought that the hip hugger thing that I said a while back was just me but I guess not. I mean do not get me wrong there is nothing worng with them just make sure that you can pull it off.
I would like to say that all women are beautyful but there is certin things that certin women should not wear unless they pull it off.

There is comfort in that I do not have nearly the stress. the paper is also over the one thing that I would have to deal with is the online stuff.
You know I thought that the hip hugger thing that I said a while back was just me but I guess not. I mean do not get me wrong there is nothing worng with them just make sure that you can pull it off.
I would like to say that all women are beautyful but there is certin things that certin women should not wear unless they pull it off.

people are always so quick to assume things... and male photographers seem to get the brunt of that... because obviously anything they do with the naked body must be pornography. there's no other explanation. fucks.
and you know what happens when we assume? we make an ass ouf of u and me.